chapter 18- Decorating and Kicks

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4 months later-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

im six months pregnant and I swear if no one knew me they would think im related to the fattest whale every alive! im twenty-three weeks tomorrow and non of the babies have kicked yet! the doctor said not to be concerned but I cant help it. Liam is still in a wheel chair as he broke the leg even more. we were all getting in the van and he shut the door, shutting half his leg in and the other part out, he would have had to have had an amputation if it weren't for his cast.  Niall and me, El and Louis and Perrie and Zayn are all still all together.

its Saturday and today everyone's coming over. we're all going to get the babies room ready, today we're painting the room. Niall and I decided to have a cream colour room with a feature wall. on this wall we are going to paint the top blue with clouds for a sky and the bottom hills, with trees. we also have some animal stickers we'll put on the wall. tomorrow we are going to put everything together put the furniture up and so on.

The door bell rang. Why is it every time I get comfy somebody decides to come at that exact moment?

“coming!” I yelled hauling myself of the super comfy sofa, I waddled over to the door and opened it to discover Liam and Harry.

“Hey! How you doing?” Harry said as he wheeled Liam in.

“im fat, tried, grumpy, anything else?” I asked sarcastically.

“sorry I asked!” he said putting up his hands.

“oh you will be!” I threatened. I heard him gulp and smiled at my victory.  “hey Liam hows the leg?” I asked acting like nothing had happened.

“its good. Hows the babies?” he asked politly.

“they’re good. They still haven’t kicked though!” I told them.

“hey guys!” Niall called coming from our bedroom, now fully dressed, which he wasn’t the last time I saw him.

“hey Niall!” the boys call in time.

“hey guys!” he replies.

“hey babe!” I call.

"hey baby!" he calls back. the boys started talking about how life is. I shuddered as I realised I had left the door open. I was about to close it when I felt a strong pair of arms snake around my waist and hug me from behind.

"what's this for?" I asked.

"you shivered so I thought you were cold so im making you warmer!" he stated.

"well then I should be cold more often!" I stated with a giggle as I turned around to look at him to see he was smiling. he leaned in and I closed the space between us. I felt the butterflies I always do when we kiss, but sadly we were interrupted by Harry pretending to throw up, Liam looking completely petrified and a high pitched squeal. I realised Louis and El were at the door and it was Louis who had squealed and was now burying his head in Eleanor's shoulder repeating 'MY EYES! MY EYES!' over and over I couldn't help but laugh as I went over to El to hugged her.

"BACK AWAY FROM HER SHE'S MINE!" Louis yelled like a little child. "I SAW HER FIRST!"

"well im the one who's pregnant so watch what you say!" I explained with sass. he stepped away and I hugged her. "hey!"

"hey how are you four?" she asked talking about the babies and me.

"good, still not had that first kick though!" I joked as I self consciously put my hand on my stomach. it was then Zayn and Perrie walked in with huge smiles on their faces.

"what's so good?" Niall asked his accent thick.

"nothing just ready for a good day!" Perrie smile.

"and also after this everyone is invited round! Zayn said winking at me. tonight was the night!

"well everything we should need is in the room and the furniture boxes are in the spare room. so lets get going!" I smiled and we all walked to the room. well they walked I waddled.


7 and a half hours later!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

we sat against the only dry wall that had been painted first as we all looked at the feature wall opposite it. with Liam in his chair. we were silent admiring our work. it was then it happened what I have been waiting for.

"oh my God!" I squealed super happy.

"what's wrong?" everyone called out at the same time.

"they kicked! they have just kicked!" I smiled as I felt another kick I out my hand there and felt. after I was done everyone else had a go at feeling.

we once again sat there again before we decided we were all going to get ready for dinner. everyone left while Niall showed them out I stayed in the room.

"hey this is going to be your new room!" I smiled cradling and stroking my stomach. knowing in just three months I was going to see them.

my children.

my little things.


sorry its really short and that I haven't really been updating as much as I have been! anyways I know exactly what I want to happen so I should get updating more!




luv ya al xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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