chapter 5- Secrets Revealed

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"where on this earth have you been?" Steve yelled before I could even get through the door.

"I-I was visiting Zayn after his t-tour." I said

"well get in the bloody kitchen and cook me something." he said sternly. I kicked off my shoes and ran to the kitchen. I looked in all the cupboards and found a microwave macaroni and cheese. I put it in the oven and started the timer for 30 minutes like it said on the packet. while waiting I checked my phone. I had 14 messages from Zayn and 10 from Niall, 5 from Liam and 3 from Louis and 2 from Harry. they all were saying the same sort of thing:

Call me! just at least let us know you're safe!

hey I was just checking you were ok.

and so on and so on. I also had 37 missed calls between all the boys.  wow! they worry! just then the oven binged and I put my phone down. had it really taken half an hour to read all my texts? blimey!

I opened the oven and took the macaroni and cheese out. I got two bowls out as well and poured over 3/4 of it into one bowl and the rest in another. I then put a fork in the one with the largest portion and grabbed a can of beer from the fridge. I then took them to Steve who was watching football. I gave him his food and drink and went and got mine and walked up to my room.

i only had a couple of mouthfuls. i had just recently had an eating disorder, after Steve started calling me fat. see he doesn't just physically and sexually abuse me he also mentally abuses me. because of him i started to self harm. ive been clean for half a month. im surprised that i didn't do anything the night mum died, but then i was knocked out for most of it. my thighs are covered in scars and there are a few on my left arm as well. after the eating disorder ive been finding it hard to eat properly.

after i finished my small dinner i changed into a vest and some PJ bottoms and put a small black cardigan over the top, i went on my laptop.  i went on Skype and saw that Zayn was online. i started having a mini argument in my head debating weather i should call him. as if he heard my thoughts he called me. i answered it and put on my best fake smile.

"hey Zaynie!" i said as soon as i saw his face.

"oh thank God you're alive!" he yelled "boys she's alive!" Zayn yelled. suddenly all the boys were crowded around the laptop.

"hey boys." i said raising my hand in a small wave like thing.

"we thought you were dead. like that Steve guy had killed you!" Louis said. i smiled weakly, knowing he probably would have if i couldn't cook. Liam hit him and asked if i was ok.

"yeah im fine." i said. i picked up my laptop and i put it on my bed and climbed under the creamy white covers. i placed the laptop on my lap and took the cardy off and threw it off and onto my desk. i saw Niall eyes widen and brim with tears. he then whispered something to Liam while Zayn was talking about how if i ever needed to get out of the house and away from Steve i am to just ring or just come round. During his lecture i saw Liam pass the message on to Harry who passed it too Louis. Louis's eyes became softer and he seemed sad. he glanced at Niall who just nodded and whipped a finger under his eye to catch a tear that was about to fall. Louis started to look at the screen. i could tell it was the screen from where he was looking. his eyes then widened after a minute of looking.

"guys what's going on i feel really self-conscious." i said Louis then whispered into Zany's ear and his eyes widened as he heard the message passed to every boy and has finally ended on Zayn . He looked at the screen the same way as Louis did and then his eyes widened even more, if it even possible.

"what?" i asked with a nervous small giggle. Zayn just sat there looking at his shoes. and then he snapped scaring the life out of me.

"why??" he asked

"what are you talking about?" i asked confused and scared.

"you damn well know what! why did you do it and when?" he said in a small yell.

"Zayn i have no idea what the hell your going on about! will someone please tell me?" i asked.

"your left arm." Niall started. no! i suddenly thought "w-where did y-you get th-those cu-cuts f-from?" he stuttered i could tell he was blinking back tears. i sat their staring at the boys who knew my little secret. the one i haven't shared with anyone. i just didn't know what to say.

"I-I umm...well i- you see" i stammered having no idea what i was going to say.

"FOR GODS' SAKES LIZZIE SPIT IT OUT! WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT TO YOURSELF?" Zayn yelled losing it completely with tears running down his cheeks .

"don't you dare yell at me Zayn!" i yelled through gritted teeth. "you don't know what has happened to me while you live your perfect life with the fame and the fortune and the fans. do you know it takes a lot for it to get so bad someone starts to harm themselves!" i said loader then id have wanted as the water works started. i then heard stomping on the stairs and before i could react Steve was bursting through the door."

"you just woke me up!" he said coming towards me.

"s-steve i-i-im so s-sorry." i stuttered i was so terrified. i glanced at the screen and saw that the boys were all still watching.

"why are you crying? and what are the cuts on your arm? is it because of me" i almost nodded but instead i ducked my head. "good. you should suffer you little stupid good-for-nothing-" but he was interrupted by his phone going off. he went down stairs and slammed the door behind him.

"Happy that you know now?" i asked the boys but mainly Zayn. "happy you know the truth now, Zayn?" i asked as the tears continued to roll. before anyone could reply i just hung up and logged out. i shut my computer down and put it on my desk and just cried.

it was a long night full of me crying and being un-able to get any sleep what so ever. but hey what's new?


hey guys i know its really quite a slow start but i don't want to just jump straight in as that's what usually happens so yh




luv ya all!xxxx

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