Chapter 9- Positives and Getting Caught

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I followed the instructions and unlocked the doors to see the girls looking at me.

"well?" Dani asked.

"I have to wait ten minutes." I said and sat on the closed toilet seat. the girls came in and Eleanor and Danielle sat on the floor. the ten minutes felt like forever but when my phone timer went off we all jumped. I got up with the girls looking at me like a hawk looking for its next dinner. I walked to the sink and shut my eyes and took a deep breathe. I opened them and looked at the test. sat in the sink.

"so?" I heard Eleanor ask.

"I-its p-positive." I whispered shocked. a warm salty substance slid down my cheek. "ma-maybe I-it was wr-wrong." I said "i think im going to try another one. it said it was only 99.8% always right" I told them and went to my bag and got another one out. I did as the instructions said and we waited for fifteen minutes this time. positive. but I felt I couldn't trust it. so I took another and then another. I had to left and so far they were all positive.

the girls hadn't left my side apart from when I did what I had to. I was quite surprised by this as it was a long and boring process. I decided I wanted to take another one. we had to wait 25 minutes this time. we waited in silence and the tension was killing me. after the 25 minutes of waiting I stood up and looked at the sink.

"its negative" I beamed.

"im not sure Lizzie. the rest were positive. so I think you should go with the majority. we have one more so you could do that one too if you want." I decided she had a point and I was going to take the test. it came out positive. 5/6 positive I sighed as another tear trickled down my check. I put all the testes in the bin in the bathroom and we went into the lounge we watched the notebook and then started to talk.

"Lizzie can I ask you something?" Dani said. I nodded my head "if you are pregnant then ummm whos the dad?" she asked. no! well I guess I knew it was going to happen sooner or later.

"I-I don't really want to say but I will tell you it isn't any of the boys if that was what you were saying." I said as a tear fell from my left eye. they pulled me into a hug.

"awww! babe. its going to be fine! I promise!" Eleanor said. I nodded and we agreed to try and sleep as it was 1:45am.

I was awoken by Niall yelling at everyone. Dani, Eleanor and I all woke up with a start. "GUYS EVERYONE GET DOWN NOW!" niall yelled. man whats his problem? I heard some feet and saw a tired Louis and Harry. but no Zayn or Liam. "LIAM ZAYN! GET UP I THINK LIZZIE MAY BE DEAD! HER DAD JUST LEFT THERE IS BLOOD EVERYWHERE! OH MY GOD!LIZZIE LIZZIE CAN YOU HEARD ME?" Niall yelled up the stairs. suddenly Zayn and Liam came running down the stairs but they relaxed when they saw that there wasn't anything wrong.

"Niall! what is it?" Zayn whined.

"I think we should all sit down first." he said. we all went into the lounge and sat down looking at Niall, I was getting nervous, did he hear us last night? " I don't know how to say this but I guess I need to...ithinkoneofthegirlsmaybepregnantasifoundpregnancytestsintheloothismorning!" he admitted way to quickly for anyone to understand. we looked at him puzzled and confused. " I think one of the girls may be pregnant as I found pregnancy tests in the loo this morning!"  Everyone gasped and Eleanor Danielle and me all looked at each other. the boys all turned slowly so they were all staring at us all. Zayn at me, Liam at Danielle, Louis at Eleanor and Harry and Niall between all three of us. we were all to shocked to even speak. this was defenitly not how I was intending to tell them.

"I-I-ummm we" I stuttered.

"you can do it" Eleanor whispered.

"I-I m-may b-be p-pregnant" I stuttered as I looked at the boys. they one by one started to smile apart from Zayn who looked at his hands in his lap.

"what do you mean you may be pregnant?" Harry asked

"well I took 6 tests and 5 were positive. so ill go to the doctor today and see." I smiled, they seemed to be taking it all well.

"cool. so who's the father?" Harry asked. my smile faded and everyone became silent, as a tears departed my eyes.

"h-he he he's..." I stuttered again becoming unsure weather I should tell them.

"I-its Steve, isn't it?" Zayn spoke from out of the blue. looking up at me. "don't lie Lizzie, its Steve isn't it."  I looked around the room before nodding my head and collapsing on the sofa and bawling my eyes out. I'd fell by Niall and he wrapped his arms around me as I wept into his shirt.

"w-whos Steve?" I heard Dani whisper not quite quiet enough.

"he's Lizzie's step-dad." Zayn answered and the girls gasped as i just cried louder. I started to calm down a little and spoke in the silence.

"he married my mum 10 years ago when I was 7. he started abusing me when she wasn't around when I was 8. he then continued physically abusing me as well as mentally abusing me too. I-I started to cut half a month after it started. It was two months before my 11th birthday.  then the...the night m-my mum died he...he...well the out come is right now..." I smiled weakly and whipped my eyes. Eleanor gave me a hug and then so did Danielle. I saw that niall was whipping his eyes as well.

"niall?" are you crying?" I asked he nodded.

"I don't like it when people hurt pretty girls and I really don't like it when girls hurt themselves!" he said and gave me a massive hug. they're right Horan Hugs are the best!

"so what do you want to do?" Liam asked

"well, id like to see the doctor today to confirm if I really am pregnant."  I told them. everyone asked to come but Zayn he said he already had plans. I agreed that they could all come, but I wanted only Eleanor and Danielle in the room with me. they all understood and we got ready for the day after breakfast. Liam had booked me an appointment while I made everyone pancakes.

Paul pulled up in a van and we all got in. we ended up sat like this:

Harry                    Paul

Louis eleanor Danielle

Niall me liam 

when we arrived we all climbed out and Paul locked the van. I signed in and we all waited anxiously. my name was called and us and the girls and me walked into a small room.

"hello im Dr. Hangshant, what seems to be the problem today?"

"umm... I think I may be pregnant" I said quietly.

"ok. what makes you think this?" he asked making notes on his computer.

"I have been throwing up every morning for the last three days. my period is four days late and I took some tests last night and 5/6 were positive." I said looking at my shoes.

"ok well im going to take a blood  test." he took the blood and left.

twenty minutes later he came back. "right I have the results................."


sorry its really bad guys! anyways imay update again tonight I don't know. id quite like a few comments before I update again





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