chapter 14- Telling Liam and Getting A Sandwhich

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we arrived at the hospital and were met by a very worried looking Zayn, Louis, Harry and Eleanor. i couldn't see Danielle anywhere, weird maybe she is just on her way. i sat down next to Zayn who looked very distressed and there were mayn tear streaks down his check.

"what happened, Zaynie?" i asked giving him a small hug.

"h-he....i i-i t-tried to s-stop h-him i-i promise." he told me. i looked up at Harry and Louis and Harry took my place as i went over to the other end of the hall with Louis and Niall.

"Dani Liam, Eleanor and i came home from our shopping trip and we went our different ways. Dani asked if anything was going on between you" he looked at me " and of cores, he told her no. she said fine but still had a little doubt. they then got into a massive argument and then Dani started saying there was no way Liam loved her as he had no respect for her after they had a screaming contest. she started to walk away. liam looked out his window and saw her below looking for her car keys. he opened the window and was leaning out of it when Zayn was walking past his room. he saw he was leaning out rather far so h ran in and tried to get him to come in a bit. but he said no and continued to yell. Dani found her keys and slowly started to reverse out, but Liam leaned to far and fell out and onto the car, he has 4 broken ribs and broken arm and a leg and he has many cuts to the head, hes still unconscious, were just waiting for the doctor to tell us whats going on."  Louis told us explaining everything.

"wow" I breathed out "that was a lot to take in" Niall stood there dumbfounded. "where's Dani now?" I asked curious as to why she wasn't present at this serious moment in her boyfriends life.

"umm...well that's the thing"  Louis rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "he doesn't know this, but Dani said she felt to guilty for what happened and that they had been arguing a lot so she broke up with him."

"what! but that's horrid! whos going to tell him?" I asked shocked, how cruel could you be? he doesn't even know.

"well we think you" Louis stated. I stood there for a moment thinking.

"ok" I nodded "but if he kills me your all going to jail as its just as much as your fault!" I told him making both boys laugh, while I stood there quite serious "don't laugh at me! im very serious and im pregnant so if you want to be on my good side when I start getting moody and grumpy 24/7 then stop laughing this instant!" I ordered. the boys shut up immediately and stood up straight. we walked over to the others and I sat back next to Zayn.

"its ok" I promised. he nodded wiping a few tears. just then a nurse came in and asked for Liam Payne's' friends. we all jumped to our feet and followed the nurse to a room. in there, there was a bed, a desk with a laptop many folders and a chair as well as five chairs we all sat down and Eleanor sat on Louis lap. we sat there for a couple of minutes before a doctor came in. he sat at the desk and looked at us all.

Mr Payne's injuries aren't as curvier as we thought. he has only three broken ribs and one fractured one. and a broken leg and arm. he has been awake for about 20 minutes now.  you can go and see him but one at a time, however if you do I am going to warn you if you find things hard to take in like this then maybe its best you don't visit till tomorrow. we want to keep him until tomorrow at least for observation. tomorrow he will be off life support and in a normal room. yu will all be able to visit together as well." he told us. "would any of you like to visit?"

"I think we all will." Harry told him looking at us for support we all nodded but Niall.

"can others go before and just tell me weather I would cope or not." we nodded aware of Niall finding this sort if thing hard.

Harry was going first so the doctor left taking Harry as we all sat there in our own small conversations. Eleanor and Zayn were talking. well she was comforting him as she had taken Harry's seat.  and Niall Louis and me were just talking about hoping Liam was ok.

"so are you to like dating now?" Louis asked me when Niall went over to Zayn and Eleanor. I looked at him as he smirked. I didn't know what to say. luckily Harry came in.

"can I go next?"I asked quickly to nobody in particular. there was a chores of yeahs and nodding heads so I left to go see Liam.

as I walked into the stainless white room shock filled my body as I gasped. Liam laid there, eyes closed, with many wires and tubes coming in and out his body there was a drip with three bags with different liquids on his right and a beeping heart monitor on his other side.

"l-lili?" I whispered going over to the side of his bed and sitting down in the seat by his bed.

"oh. hi Lizzie." liam said opening his eyes.

"how you doing?" I asked him.

"ive been better!" he laughed. my phone vibrated and I had a message from Niall.

from Niall the king of food;

you have to tell liam about Dani! you promised!


I then got one from Louis

from Louis the Carrot predator:

Tell Lili about Dani! you have to you said you would! if you don't ill never speak to you again!


I sighed. looks like im telling Liam."umm Liam I have to tell you something. the boys kinnda are making me." I told him. I wanted that to be cleared up first.

"go on?" liam replied confused.

"ok here goes. Dani said she felt to guilty for what happened and that you two had been arguing a lot so she broke up with you. im truly sorry Liam." I explained looking him straight in the eye. he looked sad and sighed

"its ok, Lizzie. I don't really want to see her at the moment with what happened. esspeccially while I have the cast. the doctor said I cant use it as a weapon and if I got angry at her I would probably kill her with this!" he exclaimed knocking on his cast. I laughed and so did Liam. we talked a bit more just about stuff and ive learnt more about him. we talked until the doctor came in and asked for me to leave so someone else can visit. I said it was fine and went back to the room.

me and the doctor came back and he toom Louis to Liam.

"is anyone else hungry?" I asked

"errrr...let me think...........HELL YEAH!" Niall replied making us all laugh. so Niall and I decided to go get everyone a sandwhich. we walked down to the caferteria and looked around.  and that was when I saw...


CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHA! lol! anyways. I would really like it if you could write a comment to see who you think it it!

anyways yh you know the drill!





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