chapter 22- Secrets Of Niall and Pranking Louis

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"oh my God!"  i heard a small gasp from behind us. it sounded like El. Liam got up and went out the door before Liam, Louis, El, Harry, Zayn and Perrie came storming in. there was a newspaper in zayn's hand and one in Liam's. great! what have the fricken press done now.

"Nial James Horan you better have a hell of an excuse mate!" Zayn said showing us the front page of the newspaper. "what the hell were you doing?" he screamed as i looked at the photos. Niall and some girl. one they were kissing, another they were caught going into a house and another of them walking down the street hand in hand. i looked at the guy i love and who i thought loved me. but i was wrong.

"N-Niall?" i asked as i got up from the seat going over to El's open arms as a tear fell from my left eye.

"What the fu-" Niall started


"i swear that i am NOT cheating!" Niall said ignoring Louis and getting up.

"then who is she 'cuz you two seem pretty dam well close!" Liam yelled. the yelling was starting to scare me.

"she.....she's........." Niall stuttered looking away.

"who?" i asked.


"FOR GOD'S SAKE NIALL TELL ME THE TRUTH! WHO IS SHE?" i screamed as more tears fell.

"SHE'S MY EX-FIANCE!" He yelled before slapping his hand to his lips.


nobody spoke. nobody knew what to say.


Niall avoided all eye contact and had collapsed onto the chair.


El held me close as we all pondered the same thing. 'ex-fiance?'

"i...we didnt know you were even dating," Harry said breaking the silence. Niall nodded his head before sighing.

"about 10 months ago she....she died. she had killed herself. she was self-harming and she cut to deep. we had been secretly dating before i proposed. i didnt want her to get hate and i didnt want anyone to try and stop us. i had known and loved her for years." he looked up at me in the eye. "and now you know why i try and get you to stop.." he spoke. a rainbow of emotion flashing through his eyes. pain. grief. hurt. anger. "they must have gotten the pictures from before." he said. i looked at him before throwing my arms around his neck and hugging him tighter then i had ever done. he started to hug me back.

"i love you" i whispered

"i love you too. so so much" he replied.

"and im stopping for good." i said. everyone else gave Niall a hug before we sat down on the sofas.


2 weeks later.

i sat at the table with Zayn, El and Perrie as we discussed plans for the prank against Louis.  the boys were out food shopping.

"we should prank call him about El!" i exclaimed

"oh my gosh i know! we could say we saw Perrie and her were seen kissing and stuff! oh my God his face will be great!"  Zayn exclaimed. we started to plan intensively.

nothing can go wrong.

2 hours later i stood by Niall in our apartment, Niall's phone on speaker.

ring ring ring ri-

"hello?" Louis' voice rang from the phone.

"Louis i think you should get now!" Niall said, getting straight to the point.

"What why? has Lizzie gone into labour?" he asked.

"no umm...El and Perrie...i saw them hugging and er....kissing ive told Zayn he's gunna ask them but he wants you to be there." Niall told him sticking to the script.

"E-El's cheating on me.....with my best mate's fiance?" Louis whispered. "ill be right there!" and he hung up and i burst out laughing.

10 minutes later Niall, and I were stood behind Zayn and Louis outside El and Louis' apartment with Liam and Harry behind us, everyone but louis knew of the prank. Louis knocked on the door and El opened it.

"Oh hey guys come in! Perrie and i were just watching a movie!" she said letting us in.she went back to Perrie and as asked to she put her arm around Perrie. this should be fun!

"look im just going to come out and say it!...........are you and Perrie together? are you cheating on me?" Louis said just after we had all come into the room.

" what mate?" El said glancing at Perrie, they both started to get nervous. they avoided eye contact. wow they should be actors!

"Niall saw you two kissing! is it true Perrie?" Zayn asked looking at Perrie i swear he was about to cry. apparently Zayn should join Perrie and El in the acting world.

" would you say that? i mean i love you....why else would i be marrieing you?" she asked.

"can....can i talk to the girls?" i butted in the boys nodded and the girls followed me into the corridor.

"you're doing so well! im gunna get Niall to get the boys to spy on us and your going to 'confess your love for each other' to me. is that ok?" i told them.

"yeah! haha this'll be great!" El replied and Perrie nodded. i texted Niall.

To Niall The Food King:

hi baby i need you guys to 'spy on us' we know what we're doing! love you say when you are listening!

love you! :) xxxxxxxxxxxx

 10 minutes later the boys had opened the door slightly and everyone was peeping out.

"you still havent answered, are you guys like.." i trailed off. El sighed and they looked at each other.

"well.... we're like how do you put it?" El started.

"like kinnda....Bi i guess." Perrie finished i heard small gasps but we carried on.

"so what about the boys?" i asked.

"we were just fooling around, experimenting.....i still love Zayn so so so so much! he is my Fiance!" Perrie told me.

"oh..." El whispered she seemed upset Perrie felt this way.

"what do you mean? i mean Louis?" i asked pretending to be shocked.

"i love him of corse but........i.............." she inhaled deeply. "i kinnda have maybe developed small feelings for Perrie." she said avoiding eye contact. just then we heard a loud sob and saw Louis run to his room.

"Shit! maybe he didnt react the way we wanted?"


poor Louis! awww please comment as i love to hear from you all!

oh and sorry its short i just wanted o update as i havent in a while!




luv ya all!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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