Chapter 25-Labour pains and Surprises. PART 1

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"oh my God!" Niall said as everyone was silent before i screamed as another contraction hit me, from there and then it was all hands on deck as everyone was rushed to different cars. Johannah took Fizzy, Daisy and Pheobe in her car while Liam, Zayn, Louis and Harry got into Harry's and me, El, Perrie and Niall got into Perrie's. i was so scared as i sat in the back with Niall and El on either side of me holding my hands and telling me to just keep breathing.

When we arrived at the hospital the others were already there all stood together with two nersus and a midwife stood there, the midwife behind a black wheelchair that i was instantly put into when i got out the car. i was wheeled through the corridors of the white hospital into the maternity unit. we arrived at a fairly big room with a bed in the middle of the right wall and many chairs scattered around. i was put onto the bed before i was attached to a heart monitor for me and the twins, an IV drip and many things placed on my stomach by bands holding the monitors to record the babies heart beats. by the time this was all done everyone was seated and i was now in a hospital gown. the midwife came in. she was a thin lady that must have been in her late 60s, her name badge showed she was called Monica. her dark grey highlighted hair was up in a bun and her tight lips seemed to have to force a smile every time she did so. she took several notes about everything when i answered her questions..

"when did you first get a contraction?" Monica asked

"about half an hour ago."

"have your waters broken?" she asked after writing on the peper.

"no" i said before screaming as another contraction hit me.

"on a scale of one to ten ten being the worst how bad are the contractions?" she questioned

"about 7." i answered truthfully.

she asked many more before slipping on a pair of blue gloves on her wrinkly hands before another midwife entered.

"hey! im Sally!" she smiled. she seemed to be in her early twenties and instantly i saw Harry had the hots for her.

"Harry Edward Styles! it is rude to stare apologies to Sally!" i commanded, Harry looked away blushing mumbling a small 'sorry.' we chuckled before turning to see what was happening. Sally was placing a white sheet over my thighs, as Monica laid a sheet on the bed. she then asked me to sit up slightly and put the bottoms of my feet together to see how far along i was.

"you're only 3 cms" she sighed taking off the gloves, we'll get you some gas for the contractions and will keep an eye on you." she then turned to the others. "if her waters break tell someone immediately. in fact, Sally stay here we're not too busy so stay here and alert me if anything happens. keep an eye on the babies and if they seem distressed then we may have to get the doctor to see about a Cesarean-section." she said before leaving without saying bye.

"well, she's nice." Liam said cracking a smile. i could see Niall and Zayn staring daggers at him. if looks could kill Liam would be a dead body on the floor. Niall started to come over to me but i was scared, he was going to hit me earlier. 

"how you doing?" he asked going to take my hand but i pulled away as he touched me scared of what could come next.

"o-ok i guess. it fucking hurts ill tell you that!" i stated.  the others chuckled as Monica came back with the gas. she gave me the weird stick things saying to breathe in the gas when i have a contraction. she left again and i took a big gulp of air.

"how the hell did you do this so many times?" i asked looking at Johannah, she had dropped the girls off at Lotties room and a friend of hers will take them back when needed, she was visiting Lottie anyway. she laughed at me

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