not an update!

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as you know in two day the competition will be closed however i have had only one entry for it! so because of this i am opneing the date of the competition to end now on the

JUNE 27TH 2014 midnight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to enter you need to send me a private message with the following details:




*Which Boy (Harry or Liam)


Darkest secret

What their home life is like

*more details i may want/need

the ones with the * by them are essential  but the others you don't have to include.

these characters can be yourself a friend or made up! i am looking for something creative and different to be included! also if you enter i will follow you!

thank you and dont forget tom look out for the next chapter! luv ya allll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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