chapter 10- Results and Being Free

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I didn't know how to react. "are you sure?" I asked for the 9th time.

"yes, we're sure. im sorry if this wasn't the news you were expecting." Dr Hangshant told me. we stood up and I shook his hand.

"thank you." I said politely.

"we'll be in touch and remember we are always here." he smiled.

we walked out the room and all the boys including Paul stood up, I noticed that Zayn had arrived and he had Perrie with him, his girlfriend.

"so?" all five boys asked.

"I-I'm p-pregnant" I whispered. they all gave me a hug.

Liam then said "it'll all be alright!"

"yeah! the baby will be fine! I mean it has the most awesome uncles in the world!" Louis beamed and we all laughed. as we walked in there were a couple of paps and a few fans outside. 

"Lizzie is it true that you have cancer?"

"harry, are you really dating Lizzie?"

"Lizzie! is it true you're an ex-prisoner?"

"Zayn are you really secretly dating Eleanor?" honestly these people were crazy! meanwhile we had fans screaming and saying things like:

"Harry, marry me!"

"Louis share this carrot with me!"

"Zayn! oh my gosh you just as hot in person! in fact hotter!" I giggled a little when I heard some of the other things they were saying.. I looked around to see who was where. Paul was way in front, Zayn and Perrie were taking pictures with fans, Louis and Eleanor were talking with fans and so were Liam and Danielle and Harry was chatting up some girls. the gap was quite small and I looked for Niall as I know he is claustrophobic. I saw him about half a meter away looking a little panicked. I walked over and tapped him on the shoulder he turned around and looked like a lost puppy. I grabbed his hand and felt a small tinggerly feeling as his soft skin touched mine. I pulled him through the crowd and we got into the van. we were going to go back the same way so Eleanor the boys and me in the van and then Perrie and Zayn in Zayn's car. Niall and I sat in the van in the back waiting for the others we started to talk and try and get to know each other better.

so far I knew his full name, Niall James Horan, his birthday, 13th September, favourite movie, Grease, shoe size, 8 and favourite colour, blue. he knew all the same stuff about me, full name Elizabeth Amelia-Jane Naomi Grinf, my birthday 4th May, favourite movie, Marley and Me, shoe size, 5 and favourite colour  turquoise.

"Niall? the other day you said that the girl you like may like someone else, who is she?" I asked curious.

"she- well you don't know her." he stated.

"well that gives you even more reason to tell me!" I replied. just then Liam and Danielle and Harry climbed in. "you got lucky!" I whispered to Niall making us both laugh. this made the others look at us weirdly which made us laugh even more. Eleanor and Louis then came in and shut the door and Paul pulled away almost immediately.

"so umm do you know what you want to do with the baby?" Liam asked.

"im keeping it! I don't believe in abortion and also carrying it for 9 months will make it hard to give up!" I said looking at my stomach, trying to process the fact I had another human growing inside of me. I looked up and smiled at everyone. we got home and saw that Zayn and Perrie had beaten us to it. we went in and I just flopped down onto the coach with a sigh. I switched on the TV and scrolled through the channels the others were in the kitchen. there wasn't anything on so I just went with the news.

" sadly both the girl and her father died in this tragic house fire. today police arrested a man on suspicion of rape, and abuse of his step-daughter, who is 18. International pop star Zayn Malik told the police of the assaults towards his best friend Elizabeth Grinf. Mr. Steve Lancancher was arrested and is in custody until his trial. it is believed that Elizabeth's' mother sadly passed on a few weeks ago, causing the physical, mental and sexual abuse to grow worst." I turned off the TV and walked into the kitchen as tears fell from my eyes. they weren't sad I was currently the most happy I have ever been!

"Lizzie whats wrong?" Zayn asked worried as soon as he saw me.

"thank you thank you thank you!" I screamed running up to him and hugging him "just thank you so much!"

"whats this for, love?" he asked confused.

"Steve has been arrested!" I yelled he smiled at me.

"I just couldn't let him continue." he told me. "his trial will be in a month. we have to talk to simon about when we announce that you're pregnant. Also you may want to find somewhere else to live, Steve may kick you out, im sorry."

"it's fine im going to be finally free!" I yelled jumping up and down. and everyone laughed. but I hit my arm on the work top and I screamed inside, it really hurt. Everyone was laughing and talking but Niall, he saw me clutch my arm and walked over and took my arm in his hands and I felt small sparks when our skin connected. "N-Niall don't!" I said with urgency. but it was too late. he'd seen the cuts and the tears brimmed his eyes.  " sorry Niall" I whispered ashamed of myself.

"its okay love. just promise to try and stop its not good for you, or the baby." he spoke softly, pulling my sleeve down. he smiled and I returned the sweet gesture, I like Niall he's sweet and kind and never likes to see people hurt, especially girls. wait? am I falling for him? no lizzie! you don't know him that well!

"so what do you think you'll do about the whole house thing?" Niall asked

"I don't know. ill probably look for a flat somewhere." I said thinking about it for the first time.

"I know you can stay with us until you get on your feet!" Niall said a little too enthusiastically. "ill ask the boys later."

"thanks Nialler" I replied smiling and I hugged him. it was such a warm hug and nothing awkward about it. I guess I have to start thinking about this stuff sooner rather then later besides I now have a baby on the way! its true with what they say! life really has another surprise around every corner!


hey hey hey!

I know this chapter is really quite bad but im fully open for improvement to help make it better!:)





luv ya all!xxxxxxxxxxxx

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