chapter 24- Helping Their Family and Liam

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IMPORTANT NOTE! i am sorry but i said in the last chapter the wrong sister! it is Lottie who is in hospital not Daisy! xxx

 5 days later.

we had arrived at Doncaster just an hour ago. Johannah is so nice she let us in and gave us all a hug even me after we introduced ourselves. she didn't judge me, turn her nose up at me or Tut when she saw i was pregnant she just looked at the others and said 'you lot better be being extra bloody nice to her! being pregnant is really hard work!' and she looked at me and we laughed.  i met all but two of louis' half-sisters as Lottie is still in hospital and Georgia is with her dad. Felicite or Fizzy as she is called is a bubbly 12 year old. however she isn't quite as excitable as the twins! they are 8 and full of energy. Johanna laft about half an hour ago to see Lottie and we will do the same tomorrow as it's already 4 o'clock. we are all unpacking in our rooms.

Niall and I are sharing, Lou and El are in his old room, Perrie and Zayn are sharing and Harry and Liam are together. i feel a Lirry Stayne moment coming on! i finished unpacking and flopped onto the neatly made king sized bed.

"tired?" Niall laughed

"you try carrying two babies in your uterus for 9 months!" i answered

"well i would but i dunno how they would get there especially as i don't have a uterus!" he joked back and we laughed. he leaned in and we were about to kiss when the door opened.

"El and Lou are...." Fizzy trailed off "ewwwww! you two as well?" she shuddered looking a little disgusted and she shut the door quickly. we laughed again.

"what if she goes into Liam and Harry's room....she'll be scared for life!" i said and we went uncontrollable fits of laughter once more. when we had calmed down we made our way down the stairs slowly as i am 8 months, 3 weeks and 5 days pregnant not that i'm counting till the day i see my beautiful babies.

"Hey!" Liam and Harry beamed together as Niall and i sat on the sofa. they looked at eachother and laughed.

"so when is your due date again?" Harry asked

"march 16th" i smiled stroking my stomach.

"so that's...just over a month!" he smiled. "so who has what role for them?" he asked as El, Perrie, Zayn and Louis appeared.

"well, Liam gets to be on nappy duty," i started

"hey!" Liam yelled i ignored him and continued.

"Louis and Harry you can get throw up duty and also you get to feed them...yes that includes trying the food first!" i smirked as their faces fell. "Niall you can get all the night shifts from when i go to bed until 1 and Zayn you can get them from 1 until when i wake up!" i smirked more as the girls laughed.

"nooooooooooo! i meant like family roles!" Louis exclaimed.

"oh well.... i dunno you're all going to be like Aunts and uncles i guess." i smiled.

"what about Niall?" Liam asked we all went quiet. oh oh!

"wel..umm that's for me and Niall to discuss later." i said getting p to look for the girls as we're meant to be watching them. i found the twins in the kitchen drawing. they seemed happy enough so i went upstairs to find Fizzy.

i knocked on her door and she replied with a simple come in. when i did i saw her with tears in her eyes. she looked a lot like Louis when he cried. i sht the door and ran over to her hugging her tightly.

"what's wrong?" i asked.

"i'm just worried about Lottie's just Lottie i guess." she sighed as i let go of her, i knew she was lieing.

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