chapter 11-Falling and Interuptions

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it had been discussed last night I was going to live with the boys. they were all super excited but I still insisted it was until I was on my feet. today we were going over to my old house to get what I wanted, the rest was either to be sold or to be put in storage. I got up and went down stairs after throwing up four times. I swear morning sickness isn't meant to happen until slightly later in the pregnancy! when I went down stairs no one but Niall was up he was in the kitchen...haha surprise surprise!

"morning" I said surprising him making him jump and gasp

"hi! you scared the life out of me! how are you?" he asked

"ok I guess, morning sickness really bad!" I told him sitting next to him.

"I swear that comes later?" Niall questioned

"that's what I thought!"

"great minds think alike!" Niall answered back and we both laughed. "you ready to get your things today?"

"I guess, I don't know about my step-dad though."

"what about him?"

"im not sure weather I should prosecute him, he is my step-dad after all." I said speaking my mind

"well, just remember if you don't, Zayn will!" I nodded knowing he was right. we sat like that for a while. "Lizzie, why did you cut again?"

"it was just a lot the other night finding out I was pregnant." I sighed. he nodded.

"you ready for today?" he asked changing the subject. I nodded my head and started making myself a cup of tea when Zayn came down.

"hey guys ready for today?" he seemed really perky, and couldn't get rid of that smug grin! hmmm something is going on. and im going to find out!

"whats gotten you so happy?"

"I cant tell you! not till everyone is awake and Perrie is here!" he started grinning like the Cheshire Cat! he was starting to scare me a little.

"hey beautiful! Niall. Zayn" Harry beamed entering the kitchen in just his boxers.

"harry 1) stop flirting 2) im not beautiful and 3) EVER HEARD OF CLOTHES!???" I screamed the last part.

"you know you love the sight really, babe!" he winked at me, making me roll my eyes.

"per-lease! who would like that? now go dress or I wont make you any thing to eat for the rest of the week!" I told him.

"you heard the pregnant woman, go dress!" Zayn said. harry scurried away and jumped up the stairs. "im going to bed again! its early!" no it isn't! its like 8:30 okay so maybe a little early but not that much. I watched as him walk up the stairs. I finished making my tea and sat on the couch, niall came and sat next to me.

"I feel nervous about the trial" I said randomly. "what if he's found not guilty? and if that happened and we used my pregnancy as evidence then he would probably do nothing but make sure I had a miscarriage!" I told him and then started crying. "damn these bloody pregnancy hormones!" I cursed and then burst out laughing. Niall looked at me like im crazy and then just smiled and joined in laughing.

"you're so cute when you laugh!" he said.

"aww thanks Niall!" I smiled

"did I say that out loud?" Niall asked blushing a little.

"yep" I answered popping the 'p'.  he blushed even more. "aww your so cute when you blush!" I giggled. we gained eye contact and just stayed like that. eye to eye. time had frozen. nothing but us mattered. I looked into his amazing sea blue sparkling orbs. 

"don't worry! I will do everything to protect you and this baby as if it were my own." he stated firmly, confident with every word. never did he pull away from our eye contact. he looked so damn good-looking in his tight white t-shirt and baggy loose PJ bottoms. I smiled sweetly at him. and that's when I admitted it to myself I was falling for him...again....and this time badly.......



"And this is Niall." Zayn said pointing to the last boy from his band. he smiled at him and he smiled back. his blond dyed hair starting to grow brown again at the roots. Zayn and the others went off. however I stood there, standing their twiddling a small piece of hair, giving him a small flirty smile every now and then until he came over.

"hey im Niall." he introduced himself.

"im Elizabeth, but call me Lizzie." I smiled.

"so Lizzie, how long you known Zayn?" and that's where it all went from. we spent pretty much the rest of the night together flirting and I had by the end of the night felt that I could honestly admit I liked him. however we didn't really talk afterwards. and I didn't see him much. I ended up then going out with another boy called Luke. he was sweet and all but he wasn't Niall. id pretty much forgotten all my feelings for Niall though, but when I saw him the day they came back from tour, the feelings came form the back if my mind and started to take over, creeping from the back of my mind.

------------END OF FLASHBACK------------------

We continued staring into each others eyes as I thought of that night. it was then that I realised that he was leaning in. I then realised I was doing the same. we closed our eyes as we had only half an inch of space between us.

"uh hum"


dun...DUN...DUN! who is it? what are they going to say? CLIFFHANGER!


anyways. its really bad and sorry about it being late I had serious writers block!

so yh




luv ya!xxxxxxxxx

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