chapter 7- Meeting Dani and Telling Her

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"you haven't met Dani yet?" Eleanor said shocked. she grabbed my hand and pulled me up from the bed and we walked out the room and down a corridor. "Dani is Liam's girlfriend." we got to the end of the corridor and opened a door I was guessing was Liam's room as we opened the door we saw a beautiful girl and Liam snogging.

"aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" me and Eleanor screamed at the sight i slammed the door shut and ran down the stairs. the boys all looked at us with worry.

"what happened?" Harry asked.

"I-it it was horrible. I just wanted to introduce Lizzie to Dani...." she said and she ran to Louis and started to 'cry' into his shoulder.

"...and instead she introduced me to the sight of Liam and Dani snogging like tomorrow would never come!" the boys looked at each other and started laughing. "I'm officially scared for life!" I yelled causing the boys to laugh even harder. then we heard foot steps on the stairs. I turned around to see Liam and the girl walking down the stairs, both of them a little pink in the check's.

"well hello there. finished eating each others faces?" Harry said with a wink. they both blushed more.

"so it was you that came in?" Liam said but it came out more of a question.

"no, it was me and Lizzie. I wanted to introduce you guys but instead I showed what it looks like when you too share spit," Eleanor spoke up, smirking a little.

"hi im Lizzie" I said going over to her .

"im Danielle but call me Dani!" she said smiling.

"right so what do you want to do?" Niall spoke up after a small moment of silence.

"truth or dare?" Dani suggested.

"im starting to think maybe you really like truth or dare here." I commented making everyone laugh.

we started to play but I threw up again. so we decided to watch a movie knowing that it wouldn't make me laugh to much. we decided to watch Marley and Me. every time she said she was pregnant Eleanor and me looked at each other. we then decided that we should have some lunch, no body wanted to make anything else so we ordered a pizza.

"dani?" liam asked as we all enjoyed our pizza. "do you want to stay over tonight? the other girls are." he said a glimpse of hope in his eye.

"umm yeah sure!" she said I think she was a little taken back but happy. "ill just get my stuff after we've finished." she said a smile plastered on her face.

after we had cleared up and Dani had left to get her stuff me and Eleanor decided to go talk about tonight.

"right well ill ask if us girls can have the lounge. then ill go get the test and come back and you can take it. we may have to tell Dani though."

"ok. can you tell her. it may be best."

"ok ill text her and then the boys wont here." she said pulling her phone out. She then put it in her back pocket and we sat there in silence. Until all the boys came in.

"Guys, can us girls have the lounge to crash in tonight?" Eleanor said looking at Louis and batting her eyelashes.

"Yeah, sure babe!" Louis said then Eleanors' phone dinged signalling she had a new text. she read it and showed me the text from Dani:

oh my gosh! ill totally help tonight! and I promise I wont tell anyone! luv ya both just about to leave be there in 10xxx

I smiled at the fact she wasn't judge mental. the boys looked at us confused but they didn't say anything. we then started to have our own conversations until Dani got there when she did we decided to all go to the cinema.

we went in to cars. Danielle, Eleanor and me went in Eleanors' car and the boys went in Liams'.

"so umm.... do you err think you may be preggs then?" Dani asked.

"to be fair I honestly don't know. I mean my period's late, ive been throwing up. so I guess better safe then sorry." I told her giving a sad smile. I know if I was pregnant then it would be with Steve and also I know I would have to have the baby. I don't believe in abortion. the car was silent for the rest of the journey.

"ok, where here!"


Wow look at me updating twice today! haha! lol! anyways I hope you like this chapter I know its quite bad and short and waffled a bit but yh




luc ya allxxxxxxxxxxx

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