chapter 13- Hanging out and Hospitals

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we pulled apart and sat there looking at each other in a comfortable silence. my lips still tingled a little from the touch of his soft pink lips upon my own.  i could feel the fireworks slowly leaving me.

"so...err do you want to umm...hang out today?" Niall asked breaking the silence.

"sure...what do you want to do" it was as if nothing had happened.

"what about going to the cinema?" he asked.

"cool! let me just go grab my bag." i ran the stairs and was straight in the bathroom. i fixed my hair, makeup and outfit, before grabbing my bag and going back down the stair.


"yep" and we were out the door and into his range rover. he started the car and we drove off. it was a 45 minute drive. it was full of small talk and nothing was said about the kiss. we arrived and got a large popcorn and the tickets, Niall paid much to my disappointment.we watched Muppets: most wanted as it was meant to be funny.

i didn't watch much i was just thinking about life. our hands touched once or twice in the popcorn box and i felt the buzz of electricity run through my veins. thank God it was dark as i felt my cheeks heat a little when it happened. i couldn't help like the fact that Niall had kissed me earlier but then he hasn't brung it up. what if it was my imagination and really im still on that coach with Niall. sno it isn't! i electricity feeling, the sweet taste of popcorn, the human giraffe in front of me, they are all so real. i pinched myself once and didn't awaken from a dream, it was real.

once it was left we left and went to Nandos for lunch. when we arrived they let us in a room in the back. apparently Nialll comes here often and doesn't want to cause a big fan-attack. the room was a median size with a table in the room. we sat either side. we ordered our drinks and were left in the room alone. i looked up from my menu and saw that Niall was looking at me.

"why do you keep staring at me?" i asked

"because you pretty" Niall smiled back. i blushed a little.

"thanks. your not to bad your self" i replied

"well, my mummy did always say i was a handsome boy!" Niall proudly explained before making an extremely unattractive face. i laughed and eventually Nialll joined in. when we calmed down we ended up just looking into each others eyes again. honestly if i got a pound for every second  we did this i would be a billionaire! i smiled softly at him, and he returned the gesture.

"Lizzie, i know maybe this isn't the place or the time but ummm....well i kind of err wanna talk about this...this morning" he stuttered looking away. i was glad he had said this as i too wanted to discuss what was going on between us.

"just as i was about to answer Paul burst in and he looked serious.

"Liam is in hospital."


dun...DUN...DUN! OMG! WHAT HAPPENE TO LIAM? who knows...well i know but that's not the point!

anyways. im so sorry they are really short at the moment! im having really bad writters block at the moment!

so yh that's why they are short and awfully written. literally anything that will come to me i will write down. yes it has come to this! i didn't even know Liam was gunna be in hospital till istarted to write it!

so yh anyways




luv ya all!xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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