Labour Pains and Surprises PART 3

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i looked down at my two children with no idea of what to call them, i think i will decide soon but not here, also i think i will talk to Niall first. i love him and would love for him to be their father figer as we said and tell them later but if he doesn't want that and we are over...i guess that's that.

"Lizzie, we need you to deliver the placenta now, just like those two just less painful!" Sammy said who had suddenly appeared again.  i nodded handing my babies to Niall and Zayn. "okay  now you may feel a little bit of discomfort as Sally may have to help pull it out so just to warn you there. Maggie was saying the 1,2,3  then 1-5 method was working so lets do that. breathe in 2...3...PUSH!" i pushed like i had done before but i had however it felt more relaxed and i didn't feel as much pressure as well...its just a placenta.

"! Sammy go and get the doctor NOW!" I heard Sally call from the other end of the bed.

"what's wrong?" i asked panicked

"i-its fine...but erm you haven't quite delivered the placenta...." Sally trailed off i looked at her. Joyce was handing her a towel before i heard the frail cry of a weak baby. Oh my God! i have had fricking triplets! i was only gunna have twins! well triplets and then twins........wait that means i have been carrying four babies in my stomach! oh my God! it was then the doctor was in, i couldn't see anything but from the looks on everyone else's faces something was wrong. i could see. the doctor looked at the child and then it all started

"i need sicers!" he yelled. Joyce quickly obeying handing him the sicers. i heard two snips before i saw my child taken to the scales being wrapped in a blanket.

"you have another baby boy!" i heard Joyce call out.  i sighed he was fine! i could hear the crying what's the big deal all about? she handed me the baby after weighing ( 7lbs and 6oz) and measuring (23 inchs) my baby boy. i smiled, at him looking up at the others but they all seemed much more intrigued by something going on the other end. something was wrong i could tell.

"What's wrong?" i asked no one in particular i just wanted to know....i needed to know.

"erm...Lizzie," Sammy started looking me in the eye crouching down to my level. this was bad. "you actually had quadruplets, the other two well, your second boy, his umbilical cord has been wrapped around the other baby, around their neck." he said i felt a familiar salty substance trail down my cheek. no.

"a-are they b-breathing?" i asked my voice scratchy. i looked at Sammy with hopeful eyes.

"im sorry, but only just." he said. seeming sad before sighing. "it doesn't look good." more tears fell as everything around me seemed to be moving as if i weren't there. as if i were in another universe and everything was slower where i was. i watched El and Perrie fall into their loving boyfriends arms as Zayn hugged my little girl and Perrie together and Lou and El were in a deep hug as Lou tried to comfort her but even he was a little scratching in the throat. Liam and Harry were talking In sad hushed tones. i looked at Niall as i saw a small tear escape his eye before slipping down his cheek.

"Niall" i whispered as i grabbed his left hand, capturing his attention. "i cant lose another, not now. not again." he looked at me in the eye before leaning down, still hugging my eldest child.

"Babe, maybe this isn't the time, but well i am sorry, its just hard as i knew he liked you but didn't know he would go this far, but i love you and even if you don't want me back, i will always be here for you what ever happens. i promise everything will work out." he smiled stroking my fore head with his thumb before kissing the same spot. i felt Liam's gaze like millions of daggers into my back but i didn't care, he can act like a dickhead if he wants, i just want everything to go perfect.

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