chapter 6- Metting El and Adding Up The Clues

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2 weeks later.

it was two weeks exactly since mum died yesterday and just three days since the funeral. all the boys came to help support me as well as Zayn. Zayn even talked. ever since Thursday Steve has gone to the pub every day. his usual routine is get up 9 o'clock shower get dressed watch tv till quarter to 10. then get me to make breakfast. leave at 10 o'clock. go to the pub. get hammered. come home at 10:30 sometimes even later. beat me even if I've done nothing wrong or im in bed. its usually just slapping and verbal abuse. then he goes to bed and wakes up the next day and does the same.

the boys know about Steve's verbal abuse and my self harm and that's it. i often  go over there. they don't mind, they understand that i use their place as an emergency house and an escape place. i even keep a suit-case there that has some clothes, money and a couple of photos of mum and me and one of mum,me and Zayn. i have clothes there for all weathers and it is all in a suitcase and a small box in the bottom of Zayn's cupboard. I'm going back over there today and I'm sleeping round as Steve is going to one of his new girlfriends houses. yep i said one of. he has three in total. i swear he has just forgotten about my mum.

I got up and got dressed after a shower and brushed my teeth. i did my make up and then put my make-up bag in my small bag I'm taking. I've already put my tooth brush, tooth paste, new PJs, a spare pair of all clothing and my phone and purse are in my handbag.  after i was happy about my appearance i walked down the stairs and put my bags down by the door. it was 8 o'clock so i went to the lounge and started watching the tv. after my programme was finished 'celeb gossip leaked' (don't think its real but i don't know so yh!) 

the reporter sat on a sofa and started to talk about how David Beckham was seen possibly doing drugs when it was obvious that he was just smoking.

"also a mysterious girl has been spotted visiting the boy band One Directions' house on many occasions for over two weeks. one of our team managed to get this video:" she said. then playing on the screen there was a video of me and Zayn hugging just before i left to go home. "who is this mysterious girl and what has happened to Zayn and Perrie?" the reporter said before the screen moved on to a car advert. i sat there speech-less. Just then Steve came down.

"get me some toast and a beer now!" he said plonking down on the sofa and grabbing the TV remote. i made him his toast and got his beer and brought  them to him he took them gladly and then went to the door to get my bags. i suddenly then felt really sick and ran to the loo before i chucked up everything i had in me that wasn't really much. i then cleaned up and opened the door and walked out locking the door and slipping the key in my bag. i still felt ill on my way to the boys' house but i didn't feel like i was going to throw up. i got to their house and knocked on the door.

"hey Lizzi- woah! are you feeling ok you don't exactly look great!" Niall said opening the door.

"Thanks NIall!" i said sarcastically

"no! i didn't mean it like that you just don't look very well but then you look pretty and you get the point." he said his checks tinting pink and im sure i blushed a little too. he let me in and i went into the lounge to find Zayn and Harry playing COD against each other. meanwhile Louis was sat on the couch with a girl resting on his chest. Liam was no where to be seen.

"guys Lizzie's here!" Niall said. the boys and the girl all turned their heads towards me. the girl jumped up and ran over to me.

"hi! my name's Eleanor!" she said before she engulfed me in a massive hug.

"hi im Lizzie" I said after we pulled apart.

"hey, Lizzie are you feeling ok you look a little pale?" Zayn said and everyone started to look at me strangely. I was about to say something but I knew I was about to be sick, so I turned around and sprinted to the loo. I made it just in time and started to chuck my guts up. I have been throwing up for two days now.

after I cleaned up I looked at the door and sat by the loo. I heard a faint knocking, coming from the door.

"Lizzie are you ok, love?" the door spoke to me with a thick Irish accent.

"love?" Zayn said he seemed a little mad. but he stopped. I unlocked the door and saw 10 eyes looking at me.

"awww babe are you alright?" Eleanor said as she came over and sat next to me giving me a side hug.

"yeah im fine." I said. trying to not gain eye contact with anyone.

"guys. can Lizzie and I speak alone?" Eleanor said. the boys just nodded and she and I walked upstairs as she called out "we'll be in Louis room if you need us!" when we got to what I was guessing Louis room we went in and sat on the bed after Eleanor locked the door.

"how long have you been throwing up?" she asked.

"I started yesterday, I threw up once and then felt fine until this morning." I replied.

"ok. umm.....I know it is awkward and weird but when was your last period or when is it due?" she asked I could tell she was scared to ask but I didn't care.

"well, whats the date today?" I asked to  tell, to be fair now she has said that im a little unsure myself.

"26th May." she said after checking her phone. my eyes widened.

"im three days late. im never late." I whispered. she looked at me.

"d-do you think you may be p-pregnant?" she asked in a hushed tone.

"I-I d-don't k-know." I whispered the answer as my mind flashed back to the night of my mothers unfair death.

"im staying round tonight and so is Dani. maybe we could sneak out and get a pregnancy test?" she asked. I nodded

"ok but who's Dani?"


Hey guys. I know this chapter is kind of short but I needed to move the story along and stuff so yh.

also I would like to say that I am really open to comments and suggestions and stuff so please leave a comment and stuff!




luv ya all!xxxxxxxxxxxx

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