chapter 4- Throwing Up and Going Home

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"hey guys we're home!" Harry yelled as he and Niall walked in. Louis, Liam, Zayn and I were all sat in the lounge watching Toy Story. can you guess who picked the film?

"I see you have allowed Liam to choose the movie!" Niall laughed. Liam glared at him.

"well, im going to dump these bags and head to my room." Harry said.

"Harry met a girl and she gave him her number. He's going to call her!" Niall said smirking.

"Harry and another girl? Whats new! but her giving him her number instead of the other way around? that's a first!" Louis said. Harry just glared at him, but I could  see hurt in his eyes. he caught my eye and I gave him a look as if to say 'you ok?' he just walked out. 

"is everything ready?" Niall whispered. we all nodded and smirked. we heard the stairs creaking and groaning, and we all sat waiting.

"5....4...3...2...1-" Louis said counting down and as if by magic Harry was heard just after 1.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU GUYS!" harry yelled and started running down the stairs.

"RUN!" Louis, Liam and Zayn all yelled at the same time. however as we started to run Harry grabbed me and flung me over his shoulder.

"oi! Curly! put me down this instant! all I can see is your but! and trust me it aint a pretty sight!" I yelled. suddenly Harry collapsed still clinging to me. it was then I realised the other boys had tackled Harry to the floor.

"TICKLE HIM!" Louis yelled and we all started tickerling him as we laughed, however we weren't laughing as much as I was suddenly I heard my phone ringing and everyone fell silent. I got my phone from my back pocket and picked up with out checking the called ID. I wish I had.

"Where the hell are you beautiful?" I heard Steve slur on the other end of the line. I almost threw up in my mouth and I started shaking.

"I-im n-n-nowhere." I said the boys looked at me weirdly and Zayn mouthed 'who is it?' so I mouthed back 'Steve'

"well come home then you will be somewhere wont you." he said. he was deffinatly drunk.

"I- n- wh-" I stuttered having no idea where I was going with it. I then heard a small voice slur.

"baby! come back here." and then small giggles.

"be back soon, princess" he said before the line went dead. I took my phone from my ear and sat there with no idea what to say or do. I felt a warm salty tear trickle down my left check. "what did he say?" Zayn asked. but I didn't answer I felt sick to my stomach, like I was really going to be sick. oh wait I am. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and chucked my guts up (not literally!) and just cried. I heard a faint knocking on the door and then a sweet irish accent. "Lizzie, are you ok,love?" I unlocked the door and Niall came in and sat next to me. "what happened? wha did your step-dad say?" "I don't want to answer in detail. he wants me home. I can tell hes drunk and he's with at least one other girl. they're probably eating each others faces while swapping saliva." I said he giggled at what I had said and I did the same. "why don't we get out of here and go whatch a movie or play truth or dare or do something? take your mind of it?" Niall said. I nodded and we went to the lounge to see the boys whispering. we stood by the door to try and eaves drop but didn't get much. I heard mine and Nialls name a lot though. suddenly Liam turned round and saw us. "oh. hey guys!" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. the other boys turned around.

"oh my gosh Lizzie are you ok now?"  Zayn said.

"yeah. well I think so." I said smiling at the boys.

"well what do you want to do?" Louis said

"truth or dare! I quite like that!" I said. there was a round of nods and 'yeps' before we sat down and started.

"baggsy going first!" I yelled.

"can we go to an ear doctor first I think Im deaf!" Niall yelled rubbing the ear I just yeled in . "sorry! Louis truth or dare?"


"I dare you up Simon and just say 'look Simon I just wanted to let you know that- that we love you before...before its too late...I have just miniutes left and then...then I must go to bed...goodbye.'" wow I know im pretty sad but it was the best I could come up with and yeah. Louis did it and as you can imagine he gave a pretty good performance if you know what I mean (not in that way you dirty minded person!).


3 hours, many dares and truths later, Liam had just admitted his un-dying love to his mum over the phone. however what he doesn't know is I filmed the hole thing and it will be on Twitter and Youtube before he knows it!

"ok, Niall! truth or dare?"

"truth!" Niall said.

"who do you have a crush on?" liam said. Louis and Harry smirked as we looked at Niall.

"umm...she's...a ..this girl.." he said

"never!" I breathed sarcastically.

"well, you don't know her I met her a while ago and yeah. but I think she fancies someone else." he said. Louis opened his mouth to say something but my phone started ringing. I picked it up and looked at the caller ID. its Steve. I didn't want to answer it but I knew if I didn't id get it.

"its Steve. what do I do?" I said

"put it on speaker!" Zayn said and I picked up putting it on speaker.

"h-hello?" I said but it came out as a question.

"where the hell are you? it seven o'clock you should be home! come home immediately or the punishment may cause you to go see your stupid mum!" he barked before hanging up. I had tears falling from my eyes. I got up and grabbed my bag.

"where are you going?" Niall asked

"h-home" I said walking out the lounge.

"ARE YOU CRAZY?" Zayn said grabbing my arm.

"Zayn get off my arm! we all knew I have to go back at some point!" I said yanking my arm from his grip and walked out the door and towards the retched house I no longer feel I can call home.


hey guys I hope your enjoying my little things, however I understand it is a bit of a slow start! so yh




luv ya all!xxx

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