Chapter 26- Make-Ups and Thinking

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i looked at the boy on the floor. "where you eavesdropping again?" i asked and Louis nodded his head.

"so are you two still together?" Louis asked and Niall and I nodded our heads. and he smiled as he got himself off the floor with the help of Eleanor. everyone but Liam came in gathering around my still sleeping children.

"hey, does anyone know where Liam went?" i asked and everyone shook their heads. humm. where did he go? i nipped outside after grabbing my phone. i dialed Liam's number and waited for him to answer. after the fourth ring he finally did.

(E=Elizabeth/Lizzie and L=Liam)

L: Hello

E: hey! where are you?

L: im outside...are you and Niall still together?

E: er...yeah we are....look come back in......Save

L: i cant what i did....i regret it so much! i messed up and im sorry for kissing you for causing so much trouble for saying things i didnt mean.....i just...i just wish i was bloody dead!

E: Liam i...we forgive you...mate dont say you wish you were dead...come back in see the babies lets just forget what happened?

L: thanks Lizzie...i will come in just let me have another few moments and then i will.

and he hung up. i walked back in to see Niall holding Hope trieing to calm the crieing child down. i walked in and took her from him and rocked her back and forth until she calmed down and fell asleep leaving us again in quiet.

"so....names?" Louis sung.

"well we have James Toby Horan the oldest, Charlotte Darcy Horan, then Joseph Zayn here and then last but not least Hope Melody." i said smiling and gesturing to each sleeping child. just after that i realized that Liam was stood sheepishly by the door. "hey Li-Li, you wanna hold one?" i asked him. he nodded edging into the room. i saw all the boys eyes toughen but i gave them a look as if to say, 'don't we're all cool!' and they stopped. i picked James up and passed him to Liam who gladly took him.  i smiled as he looked at him and smiled happily. i picked up Charlotte and passed her to Perrie and passed Hope to El i then picked up Joseph myself looking at him as he giggled. i sighed as i saw he had Steve's nose and eyes, before kissing his fore-head.

"what's wrong babe?" Niall asked.

"it's just...i'm scared that maybe i'll see to much of Steve in them." i sighed. he looked at me.

"dont worry he's gone and if you do then, your mum liked him for a reason...maybe you can do the same, they dont look that bad...geogeous just like you!" he smiled before bringing his lips to mine. i kissed back. it was quick yet the passion for each other was still there. 

a midwife came in with a few certificates i had to sign them confirming their names and everything. it took about 20minutes before she left.

"right, i'm sleeping!" i said, don't judge it must be half two and all night i've been in labour!

"i'll stay with you!" Niall jumped maybe a little quickly. i smiled at him as the others left.

"you know, we're going to need another baby cot!" i laughed tucking the babies into their cots. i smiled kissing all of them before climbing into my own bed.

i quickly drifted off into a long deep sleep thinking.

so this is it. everything is i have four new babies, a gorgeously sexy hunky man for a boyfriend, the most amazing friends i could ask for and memories for my mum who wil live forever i my heart.....

well it may not be the perfect life ...but then well who has the perfect life? not me...and that's what make's it even more of the greatest adventure ever.


well guys i am in two minds about this. i feel maybe this would be a good place to stop. press the completion button...i dont know. if i do i will do an epiloge but then i dont know if i do want to complete it as well.. i have got some ideads i just dont know as well the story is about her pregnancy and that's like over i dont know so please tell me what you think should happen!

anyways i'd also like to say sorry for it being as short and just i hope you liked it though!:)




luv ya all!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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