Chapter 2

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Sophie tried to focus on the surroundings: the old wooden building, the window out of reach upstairs, remains of hay on the floor and two mattresses with blankets, light emanating from a few kerosene lamps, the old wooden box in the corner, the only shutters bolted outside.

'We can try to make a ladder out of the boxes and get out through the window,' she stared at Victor, who managed to inhabit one of the mattresses.

By his face, she realized that he at least would not say help her, but she did not let him to answer.

'There are two mattresses, and we were with Vlad. Why?' she asked, although she knew the answer.

'Someone among us was not waited here,' voiced Victor.

She nodded. Though she did not like Victor, but he was her only potential ally in this situation, so she had not another one to choose.

'We need to figure out what's going on,' she said, pacing back and forth.

'Now?' Victor replied with the same bored face.

No, after a year, she wanted to answer, but decided to give him another chance.

'We can make weapons from the boards, and when they will come after us...'

'We will go with sticks against guns?' it was not pleasant to admit it, but it was reasonable.

'And you propose to sit and wait?' discontent in her voice was almost palpable. 'Till they killed us, sold into slavery, trade our organs or they can be military and put us under experience.'

He took a deep breath.

'You're not scared?' she frowned, 'I'm scared.'

'Okay, let's talk,' he looked up at her. His face softened a little, 'I think they don't want to kill us, because that's easier to do in the forest. There was not a military uniform, it was a camouflage. Among us there were old people so trade of human and organs is not an option.'

Was this supposed to reassure her? Sophie sighed irritably.

'We must run,' she started with trembling, but firm voice.

'No, we can't,' said Victor, 'There are only mountains and forests around hundreds of miles, and the people outside have guns.'

'But there will be search for us,' it dawned on her. The thought stirred hope in her.

'Yes, but we drove and went so long that we can be anywhere,' darkened Victor's face.

'No,' she shook her head, not wanting to believe in his words that left no hope. And then she remembered that they drove too long in the bus and Vlad's words about masks.

'Vlad saw the mask on the face of the driver. Do you think the accident was planned?' she sounded her guess.

'Yes,' briefly replied Victor, unknowingly driving her to depression.

'Do you think they going to kill us though?' Sophie tried her best to keep her voice from trembling.

'No, I do not think so, if only we don't try to escape.'

'Do you think, Vlad managed to escape?' Sophie called to mind him.

For the first time Sophie saw Victor face darkened.

'I hope,' he said angrily.

'Do you think they haven't found him?' hope flashed in Sophie's voice.

'No,' he turned away from her for some reason.

'So he will bring help,' Sophie sighed with relief, a smile appeared on her face.

'You are exhausted,' it seemed that Victor was choosing his words deliberately. And before she replied that she would never go to sleep again and would never be unconscious when these people were outdoors, Victor added, 'I'm not going to sleep.'

Perhaps he saw doubt on her face, because he immediately added.

'I promise,' a slight hint of a smile appeared on his face.

Sophie wanted to say that his promises worth nothing moreover if his promise would be an animal, then that animal would have been entered into the Red Book at least. But fatigue outweighed the arguments of mind. Sophie lied down beside him, laying her head on the thin pillow. Horrid nightmares did not disturb her.

Waiting for your comments) Hope you like it)

Next chapter just now in Russian. Translation will be on 24th of July.

Hope to see you later)

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