All Members // Secrets // Pt2

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You could recognise that smile anywhere.

Jung Hoseok's sister

You froze in spot, your eyes holding hers. If... if she was here, that meant at least Hoseok was here, right?

"Wait... Yoonji?" Her eyes widened. She had recognised you. This was your cue to leave.

"I-I don't know a Yoonji." You rambled quickly and scurried past the girl in the doorway, fighting your way through the dimly lit cafe, squeezing between chairs and tables to find your brother in an almost desperate manner.

You couldn't believe you had seen her, along with the boys, she had recently stopped speaking to you both.

"Yoonji, what's wrong?" Taejoon caught your arm, spinning you around and pulling you close to him. He was taller than you by a fair amount, so when you were pulled into his embrace you lost the elderly feeling of being his older sister and felt almost like a young child again being comforted by Namjoon or Jin.

"Jung Hoseok's sister is here meaning they're here-" You squeaked quietly, your heart rapidly beating in your chest.

You hadn't realised it yet, or rather you knew but didn't want to accept it, you were nervous to see your brothers again.

"They might not be here..." he spoke quietly rubbing your back. You clung to him, feeling his heart beat rapidly against his ribcage.

"You know for a fact they're here-" Your voice broke.

"Excuse me... I didn't upset you did I?" The voice of her rang clear. You pulled away from the affectionate embrace, turning and meeting her eyes. "I clearly did, please come and join me and my friends at our table and I'll even order you some food and a drink to make up for it."

Taejoon said yes without hesitation so now you were stuck following him through the cafe to a back booth were seven other people were gathered.

"I upset the young lady so I've brought her back and I'll order her food and a drink to make up for it. Is that okay?" She asked as she took a seat, moving over so there was room for you and your brother on the end to squeeze on.

"That's fine." One of the males spoke quietly. Their face masks pulled up and their caps tightly secured on their face. So even though you could barely see their eyes in the dim lighting and their concealment you felt as if all seven had their eyes trained on you and Taejoon.

That's when your elderly sister instincts kicked in.

"I'm not trying to be rude, as you're allowing us to sit with you. But I can't help but feel you're all watching my baby brother and I, so if you could please refrain from doing so it would be much appreciated." Your voice was low and Taejoon's eyes widened. As did all several males.

"Just how we remember you. All protective over little Taejoon." One of them coo'd eyesmiling. You locked eyes with him and you swore in that moment you could cry.

"Yoongi." Your voice broke and your vision became blurry.

You had missed them terribly, but you weren't ready to see them again. More so not so unexpectedly.

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