Seokjin // Overprotective

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This is a one shot for  - I hope you enjoyed it!

You smiled as you put down your phone, the selfie from Jin remaining on your screen. Ever since the both of you had found out your family was going to grow nearly 4 weeks ago, he had checked in on you every day, every couple of hours to make sure you were eating well, resting yourself and drinking plenty of fluids.

Naturally this happened anyway, when you weren't in work yourself and Seokjin was filling out his role as a rather successful idol, you always found yourself snacking on whatever kind of snacks you had in. Whether that be your newfound love for those damn seaweed sheets Jungkook showed you, or it be some crisp, a chocolate biscuit or fruit.

Your mother was still in denial of you being pregnant, after all when she was pregnant with you, she didn't have these pregnancy tests that could tell you within 8 days of conceiving the slowly growing fetus so she couldn't believe that you were pregnant and had found out so soon. But Seokjin believed you, of course he did after all you both had been trying for quite a while - it was due to happen eventually, so he cleared out one of the spare rooms in the apartment he began to lease in early 2019 and it was going to become the baby room.

You grabbed your phone and slid it into your back pocket of your pants and headed to the designated baby room and looked at the first layer of the cream coloured paint on the what were once blue walls. "I'll be productive, it's less work for Jin to do when he gets home." So you pulled the slightly taller from average step ladder from one side of the room to another and began your painting.

With the music blaring in your headphones, your outfit covered in paint, and the fact you were doing so well so far you didn't realise until it was too late and you tumbled off the ladder as it went on uneven ground.

You hit the floor back first, knocking the wind out of you and you winced. Once that pain had subsided you realised there was excruciating pain from your leg and you propped yourself up to see it at a rather awkward angle.

It took everything in you to not scream, vomit and pass out at the same time. You reached for your phone which had fallen out your pocket during your fall, and called for an ambulance.

A small while had passed and you had to tell them where the spare key was to get in before they could get you. Once they had gotten you secure on a gurney and into the ambulance they asked a bunch of questions regarding previous health and any concerns you might have about your health now, but once that was all done and you were mildly high on the gas and air you asked if you could call your boyfriend before he got home and saw you weren't there.

"Y/N, it's unlike you to call me. Is everything okay?" He asked, paused and then continued. "Why do I here sirens? Where are you?"

"Hi, I'm fine, kind of." You spoke quietly. "I'm sat in an ambulance currently, I think it's safe to say my leg is broken."

You heard Seokjin almost yell but he changed it to his fast tongue when he rants, and started going on at you down the phone before saying to the boys and the staff he has to leave now and you heard him leave the building.

"I'm sorry..." you admitted quietly.

"I know I should've wrapped you up in bubble wrap and stuck those packaging peanuts to you!" He tried making light of the situation. "Are you okay?"

"Only because of the gas and air I'm on." You giggled softly and he chuckled.

"I love you, I'll be there as soon as I can." He spoke softly down the phone, you could still hear the worry however.

"I love you too." You whispered and the phone went dead.

You woke up from the anaesthetic to Seokjin humming quietly and tracing shapes in the palm of your hand.

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