Lost you

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Y/N's P.O.V

Driving down the street to head home to see Shawn I was hitting every green light. I was really excited I couldn't wait to get home to see him.

And then it happened.

Out of no where.

My vehicle was smashed up and my steering wheel was squishing my abdomen. Trying not to move a lot I was trying to see if anyone was coming to help me. Listening I could hear sirens in the distance.

People started crowding around my vehicle. I was terrified. Looking in my side mirror which was surprisingly still there, I saw the police, an ambulance, and a fire truck show up.

An officer came to my window and gently opened the door.

"Miss can you hear me? Your going to be just fine" he said.

"We just need your name and someone we can contact for you"

My eyes darted towards the officer.

"My name is Y/N i'm (your age) and you can call my boyfriend Shawn his number is 567-321-1234"

I said struggling to breath at the end because of the steering wheel.

The last thing I remember was the steering wheel getting pulled up off of me, and myself getting pulled out of the car. I had passed out after that.

Waking up I looked around at my surroundings. Seeing Shawn sleeping on a chair next to your bed, I tapped him.


I watched his eyes flutter open and he looked at me.

"oh my goodness! Y/N i'm so relieved. I was so worried about you. Stay here i'm going to get the doctor."

It wasn't like I was going anywhere anyways.

A few minutes later Shawn came back with the doctor. He started putting pressure on my abdomen and I wasn't feeling to great after that.

"Is there something I can use to throw up in?" I asked.

The doctor picked up a pink square bowl looking thing. I took it and tossed whatever was in my stomach into the bowl. Looking at it, it was just blood.

"Shawn you need to leave we need to get Y/N to emergency surgery she has internal bleeding" The Doctor said.

A lot of nurses busted through the door and put the rails on my bed up. The took off the wheel brakes and wheeled me out of there.

"I love you so much Y/N please never forget that" Shawn told me as I was wheeled away from him.

Shawn's P.O.V

This was the worst day of my freaking life. Like holy.

One second I was waiting for Y/N to come home next second i'm getting a call from the police saying she had been in an accident. My heart dropped when they told me that. I hopped a uber and got to the hospital to see her. 

She was out of surgery about three hours after I had made it there. They told me her crash was really bad and they were surprised she was still alive.

When she woke up I was so relieved.

My baby was ok.

But then she started throwing up blood and they took away. Now all I could do was wait and hope for the best.


Once the surgeons had put me under my dreams went wild.

I dreamt of me and Shawn playing in a field of beautiful colourful flowers.

He was chasing me and I was running. It kept getting brighter and brighter every time I took a step. Shawn was slowly disappearing.

I didn't want to keep running in this direction but my feet wouldn't stop.

Looking at Shawn he went out to grab my hand. He pulled me close to his chest and kissed my forehead.

"No matter what happens Y/N I just want you to know i'll love you forever and that you were my one true love and i'm not sure how i'm going to survive with out you but i'll try and figure something out I guess."

"I love you to Shawn" I said as he let go of me.

I started drifting farther away from Shawn and I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly he was gone and I was surrounded in nothing but white. It was calming.

Shawn's P.O.V

After waiting about two hours the surgeons and doctors came back out and didn't look happy. My heart rose to my throat and suddenly I felt as if I couldn't breath.

They came over to me.

All I heard was were so sorry for your loss.

I broke down.

Sobbing uncontrollably.

This was it.

I lost you.

The love of my life.

I would never be the same.


well well well 😋 whoops sorry bout this chapter boys 😱

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