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Y/N's P.O.V

"Shawn! Are you ready to go?" you yelled to him.

"Yeah i'm coming!"

Shawn walked down the stairs in a black shirt and a pair of black jeans. His hair was a little messy but it totally worked for him.

"Hmm you look great!" I smiled.

"thanks babes!" he said grabbing my hand.

Putting on our shoes we got into my car and I drove us to the bar. Shawn and me had gone to the bar together a few times, but every time he had been the DD because he had meetings in the morning. So this time I was going to let him go wild, and have a good time. Pulling into the underground parking me and Shawn payed and made our way up to the bar. Smiling over at him he looked really happy.

"Shawn! Why are you so smiley!" I laughed.

"because i'm excited I get to be loose tonight and just have fun with you!"

"mhh okay! Just don't get to wild otherwise you'll be regretting it in the morning"

"true! i'll make sure i'm good Y/N!" he smiled and kissed me.

Trudging through the snow we finally made it to the bar. Pulling out our I.D's we showed them to the security guard at the door. Taking a photo of us he gave us back our cards and let us in.

Me and Shawn headed straight to the bar so he could get a drink. Smiling at the bar tender he forked over five dollars and turned back to me.

"So wanna dance?" he asked.

"I'd love to!"

He downed his drink and dragged me to the dance floor. Holding my hands he just swayed us back and forth to the music. We couldn't stop laughing and I knew this would be a good night.

Soon enough it was 2am and Shawn was pretty drunk already. Staggering over to me he smiled.

"Y/N! You h-have" he hiccuped. "You have to seeeeeeeee thi-this" he laughed.

Grabbing my hand he pulled me over to the bar where the bartender was pouring rainbow shots. Laughing to myself I put my arm around Shawn and pulled him away from the bar.

"Y/N do we have to leave?" he asked.

"yeah Shawn! it's late and you need to sleep"

"fine!" he huffed like a child.

Shaking my head I pulled him towards the door smiling at the security we left and walked back outside into the brisk air.

"Y/N." Shawn said seriously.


"I feel funny" he laughed.

"do you need a garbage?" I asked really hoping he didn't have to throw up.

"Yeah I do" he said laughing again.

"Okay here" I said slightly dragging him towards a trash can.

Running his back as he got some of the alcohol out of his system. He stood back up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Slightly grossed out I grabbed his other hand and we made our way back into the parking garage.

Getting into my car I started it and we left. The drive home was pretty quiet except I could hear Shawn laugh every once in a while.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"the bushes! They are so cute" he laughed.

"okay!" I forced a smile.

Pulling into the driveway I opened the garage and pulled in. Getting out of the vehicle I went to the other side and helped Shawn out of the car. Helping my poor little drunk boy inside I led him up the stairs and put him on the bed.

"Y/N!!" he whined.

"yes Shawn?"

"I need water my mouth is dry"

"okay" I said.

Walking out of the room I went downstairs and grabbed a water bottle some aspirin and a garbage can. Coming back into the room I set the things on Shawn's nightstand and helped him take his socks and pants off.

"Y/N, I love youuuuu" he sang.

"I love you to Shawn! Now help me with your shirt" I laughed.

"mhhh okay!" he smiled.

Lying down on the bed he somehow slipped out of his shirt and tossed it on the floor. Laughing at my goofy boyfriend I pulled off my clothes and put on my pjs. Climbing into bed next to him I smiled. I knew he would be feeling this in the morning.

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now