breaking my heart

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Y/N's P.O.V

Looking down at my phone my jaw hung open. I was shocked at what I was seeing, I mean I wasn't really but at the same time I was. On my phone screen was a photo of me and one of my closest friends. The only teeny tiny problem with the photo, you might ask?



I guess I was going to have to tell Shawn the truth no matter what. We had been dating for five years and I was going to have to break his heart. I really didn't mean to kiss (Y/F/N) back it just felt right in the moment.

Feeling my phone buzz I jumped a little. Looking at the message it was from (Y/F/N).

(Y/F/N): Why are we all over the internet?

(me): because i'm dating Shawn and I kissed you :(

(Y/F/N): Why is there a sad face? You didn't like our kiss?

(me): if i'm being honest I did like it but I don't like the fact that i'm going to breaking Shawn's heart.

(Y/F/N): well if he wants you to leave or whatever you can come stay with me :)

(me): that's not even the point. Whatever, I have to go.

Shutting off my phone I heard Shawn come into the house. My nerves were on full blast and it was pissing me off.


"yeah baby?" he asked hugging me.

"I have to tell you something, your probably going to be mad at me after"

"I could never be mad at you, what is it angel?"

"I kissed another boy." I blurted.

"oh..." I could see his face falter from happy to sad in about a second.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to it just happened"

"I don't really want to hear that it just happened" he put air quotes around just happened. "Y/N how could you do this to me. I love you and you went a shattered my heart." he said.

"I know how many times I say sorry it will never be enough but i'm truly sorry okay."

"yeah whatever." he said while walking away.

"please just wait Shawn. Don't walk away from me." I said the tears now falling down my cheeks.

"I have to think about somethings Y/N and I can't really look at you right now."


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