Waking up in Vegas

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Y/N's P.O.V

Walking into the airport with three of my best friends we were off to Vegas for the weekend to celebrate my twenty first birthday. I was super pumped because I was finally old enough to drink in the USA. I wish it was like back home where I was allowed to drink legally at 18.

We made it past security and boarded the plane. The ride was uneventful which I guess I was great full for because I hate screaming kids and seat kickers. After finally getting off the plane, grabbing our luggage, and hailing down a taxi we pulled up to the hotel.

It wasn't one of the big fancy ones but it was still really nice. I could only imagine what the nice ones looked like. The ones where the rich and famous stayed. Grabbing our keycards from the desk we headed up to the floor we were on and walked into our suite. Dropping all our bags we dropped on the beds and all sighed.

"So we should probably get ready considering it's already like 9pm" one of my friends said.

"yeah sure!" I said getting up.

Walking over to my bag I pulled out a white crop top and a black pair of skinny jeans. Grabbing my bag filled with my makeup and other things I made my way to the bathroom.

Styling my hair into waves I applied my makeup and then got dressed. Stepping out of the bathroom I put my things back and grabbed my heels from my suitcase. Looking over at my friends they were getting ready and most of them looked like they were close to being ready.

Once we were all done we left our room and gave our designated mom the room key and our I.D's. Getting into the elevator we made our way to the lobby. Getting out we walked out of the hotel and onto the main strip. Looking at each other we didn't really know where to go first considering this was our very first time being in Vegas alone.

Taking lead I started walking towards a club that looked pretty cool. Walking in the lights hurt my eyes at first considering it was around 11pm so it was already dark outside. Showing the bouncer our I.D's we walked in and I instantly knew I wouldn't be staying with my friends. This place was so big we were surely going to lose each other.

"Meet at the fountains near the front of the strip if we get lost okay" I said.

All my friends nodded and we started walking towards the bar. I was planning on getting hammered because it was my 21st after all.

Shawn's P.O.V

Pulling out my phone it was already 2am but I could care less I already had quite a few drinks in my system and highly doubted I would remember any of this tomorrow morning.

Walking over towards the bar I saw a girl who was just dancing to the music her face caught my eye though. She was stunning. Heading over to her I wrapped my arms around this perfect stranger and whispered in her ear.

"want to come back to my hotel room?" I asked.

"sure!" she giggled.

Grabbing her hand we walked out of the club together and back to the hotel I was staying in.

Y/N's P.O.V

Waking up in the morning I looked out the window and rolled over enjoying the sunshine. Something was off about where I was but I just assumed it was because I was staying in a hotel and my mind didn't get it yet. Sitting up a little bit I grabbed my head I had the biggest headache of my life. Looking over at the other side of the bed I saw a brown haired boy sleeping. Suddenly shock hit me, looking under the sheets I sighed in relief I still had my underwear on that hopefully meant we didn't do anything.

Seeing the brown haired boy start to move his arms I knew he was waking up. I didn't have time to make an escape. He finally rolled over and I looked at his toned chest, wow this guy was ripped. Looking at his face he looked very familiar but I couldn't figure out why. Opening his eyes he looked over at me and smiled.

"I can't really remember anything from last night" he laughed.

"yeah me either, i'm Y/N by the way" I smiled.

"i'm Shawn" he said.

My eyes widened in shock. I just spent the night in Vegas with Shawn freaking Mendes. I guess that's what you get for waking up in Vegas.

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