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Y/N's P.O.V

Sitting down at the dining room table next to Shawn and across from the rest of my family I smiled.

"Y/N, when are you going back to school?" my mom asked me.

"next monday"

"oh ok! Are you excited to go back to toronto?"

"ya! I'll have Shawn with me for a few weeks before he leaves for tour!" I looked at him and smiled.

Big Mistake.

My shirt had moved and my neck was more visible.

"Y/N! Are those hickey's on your neck?" my dad asked.

"uh... yes?"

Looking down I remembered what had happened yesterday.

Sitting on my bed I was on my macbook trying to figure out my classes for the new semester.

My hair was messy and put up, I was wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. Basically pretty rough looking.

Hearing the front door open I knew Shawn was home from rehearsal. He was leaving for tour in a few weeks and had to make sure everything was perfect.

"babe! Where are you?" he called out.

"i'm in my room"

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Setting my laptop on my nightstand I smiled as Shawn walked in.

"Hey baby!"

"Hey! I missed you today."

"I missed you to Shawn!"

"no like I really missed you Y/N"

"uh me to?" I laughed a little.

Shawn started walking over to the bed and pulled of his shirt.

"i'm going to make sure everyone knows your mine" he said.

"ok" I whispered in shock.

Lying down on my back Shawn came and crawled on top of me. Straddling me he just looked at me. As if to take in every feature, just intently looking.

I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine kissing him. Running my hand through his soft brown hair I smiled into the kiss.

Soon he pulled away.

Sucking on my neck instead he started giving me hickey's instead.

"Next time cover them up better." my dad said.

Sadness clear on my dads face. Sadness that his little girl was growing up.

"Y/D/N let's go to the kitchen" your mom said.

Both of them getting up leaving you and Shawn alone.

"Babe. i'm so sorry"

"what're sorry for hun?" I asked.

"That I gave you hickey's and now your dad is probably upset with me"

"no it's ok!" I laughed a little. "I think he's just sad that i'm growing up I guess. But it was going to happen one day"

"that's true! I love you Y/N"

"I love you to Shawn"

He pulled you into a hug as your parents walked back into the room with desert.

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