Chapter 2. Orientation

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Mo Yuan allowed both new boys the first day to orientate themselves to the school, and to their seniors, who had so far kept their distance from the both of them in order to give them time to adjust to their surroundings.  Moving Zhi Lan to the last spare chamber among his seniors,  which was situated next to Die Feng who is his first and most senior of his Disciples, Mo Yuan could not allow The Fox Kings only daughter to be placed so close to his male only students, instead moving her into the only chamber that was close enough to his, so he could keep an eye on her.

Though from what he had seen so far of Si Yin, he wondered if he needed to take such precautions.  From this day forth, he would think of her as a boy, as Si Yin had shown no feminine qualities what so ever, in fact he seemed somewhat aloof and unapproachable, which may not go down to well with his seniors who were very close to each other.  In fact, to be a student here, there is a certain expectation, that you become a part of the brotherhood, that your seniors will not only mentor you as you grow, but will literally adopt you as a brother.

But it was early days, and Mo Yuan would soon determine the boys true character once he is able to fully assess him in the classroom. Zhe Yan had mentioned the boy was intelligent, that he would decide for himself, though going by the stories he had heard of the Fox Kings only daughter, who had a propensity for mischief, what he was looking at, was the complete opposite, and he didn't think it was the mental orientation spell alone that made the boy the way he was.  Some of it was his true nature.  But then, every one of his Disciples were different, this one  was no exception.

Mo Yuan was also aware of the fact that Si Yin knew he was aware of his true identity and the urge to question the boy was strong, mainly to see if he would actually lie to him, or if his claim of never  lying was indeed true.  In fact the urge was so strong, he could not hold back, he had to know.  He just had to find him first, having last seen him, heading towards the south end of the Mountain.

Finding him exactly where he thought the boy would be, he made his way towards him.  Si Yin was standing on the edge of the wall looking out at the mist shrouded valleys below, so lost in thought, he did not hear Mo Yuans approach until he was right beside him. With his hands behind his back, he too looked out at the scenic view before him.

"Everywhere you look, no matter which side of the Mountain you are on, and as far as the eye can see, you will always be faced with the true magnificence and scale of Kunlun." Mo Yuan said, as he pointed out towards the far mountains which were also a part of Kunluns fame.  

The dense valleys which are overshadowed by the enormous blue and green mountain ranges, are what drew Si Yin to this particular spot and Mo Yuan can see it very clearly in the way the boys eyes are almost reaching out to touch them.  "They remind me of home." he says whimsically, forgetting for a moment that The Peach Tree Grove does not have a mountain range.  In fact, it is the first time since the boys arrival does Mo Yuan see any kind of emotion, that he instantly jumps on it.

"Oh?  I must say Si Yin, I have visited the Peach Tree woods numerous times over the years, but I don't recall ever having met you.  Have you not lived there long?" he asked, his sight never once leaving the picturesque view before him.

Understanding in an instant where the conversation is going to lead, Si Yin, decides to play along to see how far Mo Yuan is going to take it. "No Shifu, in fact I rarely stay there." he answered him truthfully.

"Oh?  So where did you normally stay?" he asked, enjoying the parry of what he too knows is but a game.

"Qing Qiu." Si Yin answers quickly, and for the first time, Mo Yuan notices a very small smile on the boys lips, and also his eyes have brightened too.

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