Chapter 6 - Part 2. Post Trial

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"Xiao Wu, this is your cousin Dongmei, she will be staying with us for a few days." her father told her as he led the little girl forward.  

Looking down at the little girl in front of her, Bai Qian smiled.  How pretty, she thought to herself as the girls wide eyes looked back up at her.

"Well aren't you adorable." Bai Qian smiled.  She really was very cute and the large eyes that stared up at her, sparkled so prettily, she thought to herself.  "Oh, I love the way you have done your hair, it is very pretty." she added.

The perfect opening, thought Mo Yuan.  "Greetings cousin.  And thank you for welcoming me into your home.  If you like, I can show you how to do your hair so you can look pretty too." she smiled sweetly up at her.

Huh? Thought Bai Qian stunned.  All her life she had been told her beauty was something beyond that of the average girl, that she began to take it as a given fact.  Everywhere she went, people stared, even Liang had given her a second glance, so to be told that she needed help with her appearance, did not go down well.

"Why don't you take her to your chamber, she will stay with you while she's here." her mother interrupted her thoughts, which instantly had Bai Qian jumping up and down in protest.  What will she do with a little girl?

"But mother, why can't she stay in the guest room?" she asked pouting up at her.

"Qian Qian she is a young guest, and besides, we will be busy for the next few days and as she is family, you will be helping with her care. her mother informed her firmly.  "And she is young, the guest chamber will not be suitable for her, especially being her first time here."  

Sighing to herself, Bai Qian knew when to keep her thoughts to herself.  "Alright mother." she said quietly, while taking the little girls hand and leading her to her own chamber.  How unlucky, she thought to herself.

On entry Dongmei immediately rushed forward to jump on Bai Qians bed.  "Its so big!" she squealed as she pulled the thick quilt up to bury herself underneath it amid loud giggles and childish squirming.

Ripping the blanket off the girl, Bai Qian scolded her.  "Dongmei, this is my bed, you will sleep on the stretcher on the floor." she told her brusquely.

No sooner had she spoken, than the childs eyes began to water and grow larger, then to her horror, the little girl began to cry.  Loudly!  "I want the big bed." she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Shhh Shhh. " Bai Qian whispered trying to console the girl with soft pats on her head, hoping her mother wouldn't walk in, but this day she would not be so lucky.

Instantly her father and her mother stormed into the chamber.  "What's going on?" her mother asked as she rushed to pick up the screaming child.  "There there," she cooed softly, stroking the childs hair gently.

"Mean!" Dongmei cried pointing at Bai Qian.

"Xiao Wu!  Dongmei  has only just arrived and you already have her crying!" her father scolded her harshly.

"I thought after a couple of years away, you would have grown up a little." her mother added to the harsh growling.

"But Father....Mother......" she began to cry moving to wrap her arms around Bai Zhis waist.

"No buts Xiao Wu, she is just a little girl." he stormed at her, before moving out of reach and towards the still crying child to gently pat her on the head.  "You can have the big bed Dongmei." he told her gently.  Then leaving Bai Qian opened mouthed, they took the child back into the den with them, completely ignoring her, while the girl looked back over The Empress's shoulder and stared back with her bright tear filled eyes.

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