Chapter 28 - The High Consort 2

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No sooner had Bai Qian reached the Purple Flower Room, whatever that was, she was placed in the center of the room and left alone.  Looking around,  the room she was in was enormous, but there didn't seem to be anything to look at let alone purple flowers, in fact it was almost completely bare.  Other than the dais she was standing on which seemed be some kind of clear quartz crystal which was lightly throbbing beneath her, and the light flowing curtains that caught the wind coming in through the open windows, the whole room was stark white and empty.

Just as she was about to move off the dais, she suddenly felt a strange power enter the room from all directions, and as her eyes raised and moved around to see where it was coming from, the figures of many people began to appear before her through a thick growing haze of blue energy.  If she hadn't been so afraid, she may have thought to question the color of it, but her mind could only focus on what was in store for her and the fear that was steadily rising.

And as the beings began to take shape, she found herself, completely surrounded by young women, only these ones were different to the ones who greeted her at the main entrance and different again to the ones she had sat with and the ones dancing.  These women were all in white with gold sashes, silk to be exact and from what she could see, they were not mere attendants going by the fine gold jewelry they were wearing or the beautiful ornately handcrafted gold hair pieces they were wearing. 

But the most obvious difference was the colour of their hair.  It was pure white, the same color as Dong Hua Di Juns hair and at first glance, they all looked to be identical.  Their eyes too were a light shade of blue, a color unheard of in their world, and the tone of their skin was almost transparent, they were so fair she felt if she were to touch them lightly, she might leave a mark. Yet, though very different to any person she had ever met, they were surprisingly beautiful in an exotic kind of way.

Not understanding what was happening, why she was there or what their purpose was, she instantly distanced herself from them by immediately leaving the dais and moving towards the open windows with the thought of jumping if she had to, and though they did not attempt to stop or approach her, one did take a few steps forward.  She was exceptionally beautiful, and though she looked quite young, perhaps even younger than herself, her hair too was completely white and long, almost to her knees.

"My name is Lai." she informed her moving closer.  Her voice was most musical, Bai Qian could barely believe the sound actually came from her mouth, for some reason it reminded her of the place of Creation, even the accent was strange, it almost had a slight lilt to it.

Then waving her hand towards the girls behind her, she informed her they were women of the Purple Flower.  "We are from a land not of your world, but one the Over Lord rescued us from many millennia ago." she explained smiling.

"Millennia?" Bai Qian asked.  "How old are you?" she questioned stunned.

"We are the oldest beings of your world, though we do not like to be known, we, like you, prefer anonymity." she said just as softly before moving even closer to her, close enough to touch her, and as Bai Qian looked at the girl, she suddenly felt her body weaken, every ounce of energy within her gave way as the girls blue energy began to swirl around her keeping her body in place.

Lowering her heavy head, Bai Qian could feel the girls immense power, it was unlike anything she had ever felt before in her entire life.  Her energy suddenly wrapped itself around her completely almost taking her sight and sound, and though it wasn't dark, it was frightening.  She lost all ability to move, to speak to even think and no sooner had she been rendered immobile, than the rest of them moved closer to guide her body back to the center of the room and onto the dais.

"Do not fear us child, we will not hurt you.  But you will do everything we ask of you." the girl said in her soft musical lilt, causing her mind to take on a dreamlike state, a state she had no control over and slowly she began to fall.

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