Chapter 22 - Days of Intrigue 2

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Because Chang Shan was graduating, he was forbidden from preparing the food, which to his dismay had been given to Si Yin, Liang and Cheng Bao.  Never had any of them feared for their lives as they did when they stepped into his kitchen to be faced with a furious and dangerous looking Chang Shan as they did that day.  They had immediately gone straight to the kitchen to prepare the refreshments, when he violently stabbed the knife he had in his hand straight down into the bench top. 

"One day.  You get this one day and if you make even one tiny mistake you will never walk again." he said as his eyes flared wildly at them.

Too afraid to say a word and too afraid to even take another step forward, all three bolted straight to Mo Yuan, who stormed straight into the kitchen and ordered him out.  "You are not to return until the day after Graduation." he berated him sharply, while standing there to ensure he left and didn't return, before leaving them to it with a small smile.  His second Disciple had the worst temper when he lost it, not even Bai Qian could match it, he thought to himself laughing inwardly.

The morning had gone quickly and by lunch time, all the food preparations had been completed, though every now and then, they would catch glimpses of Chang Shan hovering near the doorway trying to see in, and their senior Die Feng ordering him back each time.

Now they were setting up the seating arrangements, with High Profile Dignitaries on the left hand side to the front and behind them, would be those attending on behalf of those who could not attend.  One the right hand side would be family of the three Graduates with the Disciples sitting behind them.  

Once all the cleaning had been done, floors mopped, steps swept, walls wiped down and the pathways cleared of weeds and debris that the winds sometimes blew in, they all collapsed in the Grand Hall to assist Zhao Rong and Chen Qi, and Guozhi, 4th, 5th and 6th seniors with their speeches that would accompany each individual prize giving.  

Si Yin, had been thinking long and hard all day for a Graduation gift for her three graduating seniors, and as he looked about the hall, he finally found one as he watched his brothers working tirelessly on the speeches, and now that their day was almost at an end,  he gathered his seniors to have a quiet word, and once done, they were all excited for he had planned for the following day.

They were ready.


That evening, Si Yin slipped quietly into Mo Yuans bed chamber and having removed the glamour spell and her clothing,  she immediately climbed in beside him much to his delight. 

 "You really are shameless." he said chuckling lightly as he quickly raised a privacy barrier and she slowly and sensuously kissed him, while disrobing him quickly and effortlessly.

"Then stop being so irresistible." she whispered against his ear as her tongue lightly swiped his lobe before gently suckling down his neck.

Groaning lightly, he pulled her tightly into his arms.  "How am I supposed to rest for tomorrow Qian Qian? " he asked, before groaning a little louder as her tongue flicked lightly over his nipple.

Looking up at him under the soft glow of the candle light,  her eyes misted lightly.  It was the first time he had ever used her personal name, one that only her mother had ever called her.

"Say that again." she said close to tears but smiling at up at him.

Sitting up slightly, he smiled down at her.  "Qian Qian.  I love you." he said with the same soft tender eyes that she loved so much.

Lightly flicking his other nipple, she watched as his head hit the pillow but his eyes remained on her as she slowly made her way down his hard taut body. Raising her head, with a look of mischief that he knew so well, he raised his head to look down at her again.  "It seems so unfair that you get to call me by a personal name, but I don't have one to call you." she said smiling, as her body lowered slightly to swipe his tight stomach with her tongue causing him to jump lightly.  

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