Chapter 6 - Part 1. Post Trial

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Having made their way back, followed by a despondent opposition, Si Yin immediately left for his chamber.  Now that he was fully back under his male form along with his uncompromising disposition, he had no intention of joining in on the festivities with his Disciple brothers, not when his identity had been compromised.  Thoroughly disappointed in himself, he banned himself from enjoying the winning moment, instead, he threw himself on his bed in disgust. 

Not even the feast that Shifu had prepared for them all, could raise his spirits as he went over each challenge.  Though he had assisted them in completing every challenge,  every single one of them saw him break, and the bitterness at his own lack of self control merely increased his despair.

"How unfortunate." he said aloud to no one but his chamber walls, but the words hit him back sharply only to make him feel even worse.

"What's unfortunate?" Mo Yuans voice came to him from the doorway.

Having noticed his Seventeenth Disciples absence, he came in search of him.  For a long time he had stood in the doorway observing him, and he knew exactly why he had chosen to exclude himself from his brothers and their winning moment.  But unable to understand Si Yins behavior, having found the boys perseverance and fortitude to be well above his brothers considering the situation he was in, Mo Yuan made his way to the boys side and sat down to talk to him.

Having already brought himself into a sitting position, Si Yin faced Mo Yuan.  "Shifu.  Liang knows I'm a girl.  I couldn't contain her.  I failed." he said softly, the disappointment in himself fell heavily about them both as he lowered his eyes in shame.

Now he understood.  Turning he threw up a privacy barrier and ordered Si Yin to stand up, which he did immediately, but still unable to look at him, he kept his eyes down.

Removing the glamour spell, Mo Yuan watched as the girl once again erupted from him, only this time, she did not jump about as he was expecting her to.  Instead, the girl also stood before him with her head down unmoving, though he could see she was about to cry at any moment.

Mo Yuan looked at the girl with rising interest.  He could see her features had changed a little.  Her beauty was becoming more evident, and the sight of her was beginning to waken something deep within.  Something he refused to give any more thought to, instead burying them where they belonged.  Because not only had her features begun to change, so had her physical body.  The little girl he had met years earlier, was growing up.  

Having forced the thoughts aside, he gently raised her chin to face him.  "Seventeenth.  That Liang knows you are a girl is of no consequence, I will deal with him later." he said with as much authority as he could muster, which he was finding hard to do.  Her beautiful large doe eyes were staring back at him and her tears were already beginning to fall, moving his heart once again.

But he held his gaze as he continued to talk to her.  "Tell me Seventeenth.  What is so unfortunate about this?" he asked waving his hand about her female form with a soft smile on his face.

"And how is this a failure?" he continued, waving his hand once again about her body.

Immediately her eyes widened. He's not mad? she thought to herself.   "Shifu.  I couldn't maintain my male form." she cried, her whole body slumping in front of him.  "I fai....... led." she sobbed.  Then before he knew what had hit him, she threw herself into his lap and buried her face into his chest, her sobbing becoming louder and uncontrolled.

Sighing softly, he held her gently, and let her cry it out as he eased her tears with soft words of comfort.  Stroking her hair as she lay against him, his mind began to work furiously.  That Si Yin had been unable to contain the girl within was concerning, especially now that Liang knew of her secret, though he knew the boy well. He would not utter a word.  Gossip was not something the boy was prone to.

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