Chapter 28 - The High Consort 4

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The Demon Realm was put on high alert the moment Honghui returned.  Having already met with his Generals and Aides, he had issued the command that his armies including their beasts to be ready to move out at a moments notice.  "War is coming, and this time there are to be no mistakes, our enemies are stronger and have been prepared for this day for centuries. Prepare for anything, when  it comes there will be no warning" he said softly.

Now back on the overhang of his chamber looking out towards The Ghost Realms, his mind went over the mornings events.  

Having arrived at the Lotus Pond, it seemed as it the Lotus had been waiting for them, the Golden Spray was already flying about the pond and the moment they arrived, it immediately reached out towards him as if he too knew what was about to happen.

However, instead of moving towards the Lotus, Honghui immediately moved towards the dais which was nearby and sat down in the Lotus position, while the Golden Lotus pulled its Golden Spray back into itself as if waiting.  Mo Yuan who had sat at the edge of the pond, watched on quietly knowing what was about to happen, but with no other options available to him, he could do nothing but allow the transfer of energy between the two.

Instantly, Honghui put himself into a deep trance while The Lotus began to throb lightly in the water and as his trance deepened, the Golden Spray suddenly erupted from its petals and shot straight up into the air to momentarily disappear before falling lightly about its Lotus form and Mo Yuan who was close enough to feel its sudden change of energy.

Looking towards Honghui, he too seemed to be throbbing with the same energy that was not his own, and as the two communicated with it, the Lotus began to vibrate, the water in the pond began to churn and the very air around the Lotus pond began to throb with an incoming energy so alien, Mo Yuan instinctively put his hand out to touch it.  

Feeling for the first time, the Purple Flower Essence, Mo Yuan could not help but revel in the beauty of the higher authority, he instantly closed his eyes and allowed it to completely envelope him with its gentle but exceptionally powerful essence, a power he had never felt in his life, but one he knew to be of the oldest and highest order and to be in its presence was humbling.

And as they communicated, The Lotus whose energy was the most pure of the three having not yet been corrupted by their world, was able to convey its desire through Honghui who, as a flower essence was able to connect the two and through him a decision was made, but with it came not only a warning but also a way forward for the three who's entwined lives were soon to face a challenge of enormous proportions, a challenge each would have to meet if they were to save the girl.

Agreeing to the terms, The lotus suddenly flared out once more and Honghui closed down the connection before opening his eyes and allowing the present surroundings to come back into view.  It took a few minutes for his mind and sight to clear, but one look at his face, and Mo Yuan knew both of them had made some kind of pact on his behalf.

Rising slowly Honghui moved towards Mo Yuan and sat down to look down at his Little Golden Lotus smiling.  Lifting his hand, he waved it once again through the spray before he faced his old friend.  Looking back at him with an urgency to fill him in on what had transpired, Honghui looked back at him with what looked to be sadness, but he smiled regardless.

"She is fine Mo Yuan, but you will need to collect her after all.  Though do not go alone, his armies are already fully armed and prepared for you." he said softly before rising.  "I will return to my own lands and have my men ready to move out, this war is on us sooner than expected." he added with that same sad look before giving him a light nod of his head, and walked away.

Arriving at the archway, he stopped and looked up.  "Mo Yuan.  You don't have to take everything on by yourself.  There are others who will gladly take some of the responsibility." he added without looking back, before passing slowly through the arch and out of sight.

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