*Interlude 4*

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"I won't be long Qian Qian." Mo Yuan said, bending down to kiss her cheek lightly.  Stretching and yawning to bring herself awake, she looked up dozily and nodded, not really understanding what he had just said, but nodded her head anyway before closing her eyes once again.  "Mo Yuan." she sighed happily to herself as she rolled over and went back to sleep.

Chuckling lightly to himself, Mo Yuan turned and left their little sanctuary for Kunlun Mountain.  He did not want to spend any more time than was necessary in order to keep the time he was gone and what was still happening as short as possible.  Having already worked out in his mind what he needed to collect and what he would need to prepare before he returned home for good, he was gone in the space of a second.  

The return home was not in any way eventful, but Chang Shan was there to greet him on arrival.  "Shifu, what's happening?" he asked the second his feet hit the hard cobblestones of the Grand Entrance.  Being so far away from the action, it was hard for Chang Shan to sit still or even complete simple chores when the thought of who was going to come back needing the elixir chamber was weighing heavily on his mind.  So for Mo Yuan to suddenly appear without his juniors had him very worried.

"No time to talk." he said gruffly as he made his way directly to his elixir chamber to collect a very rare elixir.  It was so rare, as far as he knew, he and Zhe Yan were the only ones to possess such a powerful and effective potion. Made from the Scarlet Red Blood Bloom Berry of the East Seas, Mo Yuan quickly placed it carefully in his sleeve pocket

Having been gifted the elixir by Zhe Yan, he was not aware that it had originally been gifted to Bai Qian from Jiangyu, one of his opponents he had gone up against to win her hand.  It was ironic that the man who fought so hard to take her from him, would in the future assist him in keeping her at his side. Had he known where Zhe Yan had attained the rare ingredient for the potion, he would have declined it.   But it was Zhe Yans warped sense of humor that would assist in the greatest miracle their world will ever see.

Next, he went straight to the Lotus Pond.  On arrival, his little Golden Lotus was in full flare, the golden spray was flying about the pond so thickly, Mo Yuan smiled gently down at it.  "Soon." he said softly as his eyes misted.  He had waited thousands of years for the spirit within the Lotus to break free, and now that the moment was almost upon them, Mo Yuan could not help but feel a pang of sadness.  But he did not allow it linger, instead he returned his thoughts to the reason for his hasty return.  

Sensing that something was happening, the Lotus pulled its energy back in to itself and waited, though Mo Yuan did not immediately make a move for it,  instead his hand went into the water directly beneath it and uplifted a medium sized Luminous Pearl, one Bai Qian herself had hidden beneath the water years before.  And as he held it gently in his hand, he waved the other over it to decrease it's size for easy transfer, then placing it in his sleeve pocket, he reached down for the Lotus and lifted it gently from the water.  Cradling the Lotus close to his body, he was now ready to leave.

Making his way back to the Main Entrance and the way out, he was surprised to see Honghui waiting for him.   Chan Shan who was standing with him, was looking at both men uneasily, and though he was not donned in his battle gear, his sword was only a mere click of his fingers away.

Not wasting precious time on meaningless greetings, Honghui got straight to the point.  "Give me the spell Mo Yuan." he said softly, but having known the man since they were children, Mo Yuan knew the look in his eyes.

"You know I can't do that Honghui." he said just as softly, but not moving to leave, instead he came to a complete halt and faced his friend and brother.

Shaking his head lightly, Honghui moved closer to him.  "Mo Yuan, why must you take it all on yourself?  Give me the spell." he said a little more forcefully.  

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