Chapter 29 - The Bell of East Emperor 2

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Bringing his Halberd up, Qing Cang swung it rapidly and violently, forcing every ounce of his strength into the bursting strike directly at his son Li JIng and daughter Yan Zhi, sending them both flying backwards, as he brought it up once again to launch another strike.  No sooner had it raised a second time, than Li  Yuan blocked him.  

His oldest son and the Crown Prince of the Ghost Tribe, did not care too much for his younger brother, but he cared a lot for his sister.  His beautiful graceful Princess sister who he would do anything for now lay heavily injured and barely breathing, but spinning around to face his father, he said nothing,  but as his sword raised up into the air, he released an enormous burst of energy. 

Above them, The Ghost Tribes armies swirled busting to fight, their men all heavily armed and rearing to go, when the signal finally arrived.  Turning back to his father,  Li Yuan brought his attention back to the youth army which were now fully surrounding them and already in fighting stance.  No sooner had  Li Yuan given the signal to descend, than Aiguos armies rushed forward and the Ghost clans armies fired their hell fire arrows as they dropped from the skies directly into their midst.

Honghui who was still in the skies above them, held his armies back, they would only interfere if Qing Cang brought out the bell, keeping his men fully under his control, he gave the order to sit tight and watch only.  Being fully trained and highly disciplined, his men made no move at all, instead following every order to precision, something Qing Cangs armies could learn, as they ran completely under their own individual steam with no order or discipline in place, each man turning the whole war into a bloody, violent, raging mess.

Never had Die Feng or his Juniors witnessed such a disarray of slaughter and disorganized carnage, he could barely comprehend the murder taking place below him with no thought for the sacredness of life, as he watched them butcher each other mercilessly.  Disgusted, he ordered his juniors to gather together and move back and wait along with Hong Huis army.

Bai Zhi and The Fox Clans men also chose to move back and watch, though being a clan who had never fought in a war, let alone seen one in action, for them it was something new, so their impression of what they were seeing was what they had imagined it to look like, though they did notice the lack of command as they witnessed the deaths and dying breaths of hundreds of men, and the sounds and screams that rose up like the symphony of a thousand man orchestra hurt their hearts and minds.

Dong Hua Di Jun, too held back his men as he watched the slaughter without an ounce of emotion, however the muttering and pained expressions coming from behind him clearly showed the discomfort his Celestial armies were feeling as each and every man cringed and squirmed in disgust.  Giving the order for his men to also fall back and merely observe, which was just as important as participation, they too waited.  Only the tightening of his hand around his sword, showed how much the atrocities being committed below were affecting him, and though his eyes never once left the scene below, following every movement Qing Cang made, they darkened considerably.

Hell fire ripped through the dense forest and foliage splitting trees, and raising the dead to dust as Qing Cang continued to slash out at anything that moved, not even he seemed to understand that order would bring the war under control as he lost himself completely to the confusion and disarray.  And among the dying and wounded, Li Jing had finally found his feet, racing towards his sister, he gently picked her up and rose with her into the skies to escape the senseless torture and mindless misery that had befallen his people, his family.  


The moment Mo Yuan rose into the Heavens directly among his own Disciples, he gathered them all together and gave the order to remain tight until he returned, then leaving at once to check on Bai Qian who had already been drawn back from the gathering armies by her own people, Mo Yuan instantly came across Honghui and his vast Demon Clan armies.  

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