Chapter 6 - Part 4. Post Trial

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"Qian Qian.  I have to meet with the Clan leaders wives today, so I expect you to take care of Dongmei.  However, we thought a nice afternoon at The Peach Tree Woods would be a good idea.  You could show Dongmei the waterfalls or maybe do some fishing with your brothers,  Zhe Yan and Bai Zhen can keep an eye on you both." The Fox Queen informed her daughter.  Though going by the look she threw both Bai Zhen and Zhe Yan, they knew they had better take care of the girls if they wanted to survive the day.

Having already discussed with his wife his desire to be left alone to go over the mounting scrolls that had been piling up in his study, official Qing Qiu business that needed his attention, it was agreed that the girls would spend the day at the Peach Tree Woods.  Though Bai Zhi was surprised his wife had agreed so readily after what had happened the day before, but she also knew, that Qing Qiu business needed to be taken care of, and the sooner he dealt with it the better.  She had every intention of continuing their travel when Qian Qian returned to Kunlun Mountain and that wasn't going to happen if things at home were in disarray.

"Alright Mother." Bai Qian smiled.  That she could spend the day at The Peach Tree Woods was at least one consolation, having already lost 2 days of her week to Dongmei.  And as her brothers would be there, she could leave the girl with them while she spent the afternoon without a care in the world as the thought of sun and wine began to take over her thoughts.  How Lucky! she smiled brightly to herself.

"Qian Qian, we are trusting you to take good care of Dongmei.  Be good, I will see you later on this evening." her father told her as he placed a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Alright Father, don't worry, we will have a great time." she smiled down at her little cousin as her thoughts meandered to an afternoon without her in it.

Leaving both girls happily skipping about the Den, The Fox Empress left them to it, as Bai Zhi walked the four of them to the entrance.  

"What will you do father?" Bai Qian asked her father, suddenly aware that he would be on his own.  

Laughing at her he merely tapped her nose playfully.  "Having a well deserved break from you." he said, and as he watched them leave, Dongmei turned back to give him a grin, earning her a harsh look in return, before they all disappeared from sight amid a trail of smoke.


Now lying on her favorite branch, high in her favorite tree, Bai Qian smiled happily to herself.  Dumping the girl on her brothers had been too easy, not that the girl seemed to mind, she had happily skipped off with her brother Bai Zhen as she herself disappeared to the wine cellar.

Finally having the time to dwell on the past few days and the trial she had undergone with her Disciple brothers, the time alone had her thinking of one Disciple in particular.  That he knew she was a girl didn't really bother her, in fact she was glad, because as the memory of his strong embrace came back to her, she began to feel things that she didn't quite understand, but they were feelings that she wanted to explore.  And with her annoying little cousin out of the way, she could finally allow her thoughts to inappropriately roam.

Giggling to herself as she took another long sip of wine, she began to wonder what his lips would feel like if she were to kiss him.  Not that she would, she was not brave enough.  Liang was a senior and therefore out of her league, but that didn't stop her mind from wondering and imagining all kinds of untoward thoughts that merely made her giggle even more.

Even thoughts of her other seniors began to creep into her mind, but they always ended back with the same Disciple.  Then laughing loudly, she wondered what he would think if he could read her mind now. And as she passed away the hours she did not notice the faint rustling of the dead petals being moved ever so slightly below her and nor did she notice the shadow that silently trailed behind them.

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