Chapter 13 - Part 2. The Competition

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Meetings with the competition, took place over the following week between Bai Zhi, The Fox Empress and Zhe Yan.  All three contenders met at The Fox Den and Bai Zhi and Zhe Yans conditions were laid down for each them to consider. And though more proposals had arrived for Bai Qians hand, no others were deemed suitable.

Now in the main den with The East Seas Prince Huang Jianyu, his parents, their advisers and his personal assistant, they wasted no time in getting to the point of their gathering. 

"This is the most unconventional method of courtship Bai Zhi," his father said smiling, having just learned what The Fox Clan had in mind for their son.  In fact he was rather amused by it, though Jianyus mother was not.

"Marriage is not a game, and my son is not some low born whose life can be played with on a whim Bai Zhi.  We sent the proposal with every intention of marrying your daughter into our family.  Frankly, I find this whole affair disrespectful." she said somewhat harshly, her distaste barely hidden behind a grim smile.

Coughing lightly, Zhe Yan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but the amusement in his eyes, could not be mistaken as he looked at his brother trying to hide his mirth behind a serious look. 

 "Please, It is not our intention to disrespect your family or your lineage.  However, I am sure you can appreciate the position we are in.  Only the very best from all the Realms were chosen, and this is the fairest way to select the right husband for our daughter., who will herself choose at the end of next week" Bai Zhi said smiling at her.  "And though, I cannot allow you to know who he is up against, I will tell you, he is in a very elite group of only 4 men who all  hold exceptionally high positions of power and lineage."

"All four were chosen for their prominence and prestige, their outstanding qualities that we The Fox Clan admire greatly, and their remarkable contributions to society" he added with a soft smile.  "Also, as the rulers of five out of the 8 main lands, we must ensure that the right man is selected, he will not only be marrying my daughter, but he will also hold an exceptionally high position of power not only among our people, but the entire world." he said with a seriousness that ensured their guests that their son was a serious contender for their Clan and a position that they themselves did not take lightly, and to his delight, he saw her shoulders relax.

Nodding that she was happy with his explanation, all eyes then turned to the man himself.  Having kept quiet throughout the meeting, Jianyu stood and addressed The Bai family directly.

A tall boy for his age, he stood well over the Fox Clan members, in fact his height was not much less than Dong Hua Di Jun.  With broad shoulders and well proportioned body, he looked every much the Prince.  Yet that was not what Zhe Yan was focusing on.  In his eyes, was exceptional intelligence, a man who would in time and with the right guidance, bring The Fox Clan even more prominence and wealth.  But most importantly, he saw a man who would not hurt Bai Qian, though his eyes were definitely calculating and held a ruthlessness to them, he also saw gentleness and kindness, a man who would love and protect those that he cared about.

Bowing politely to his hosts, Jiangyu took a quiet breath, but held their gaze as he spoke.  "High God Bai Zhi, Fox Empress, High God Zhe Yan, greetings to you all." he began to a slight nod in return.

"As you aware, I met Bai Qian at the Festival of Peaches, and I can see now, where she gets her exceptionally beautiful features from." he said smoothly as he bowed once again to The Bai Empress, causing her to smile appreciatively, while Bai Zhi managed to keep his eye roll to himself.

"Please rest assured, my intentions are honest and noble and I am exceptionally grateful to be offered this opportunity to court your daughter,  but I will be honest, I have every intention of winning your her hand and taking her for my wife.  And to be told I am one of only 4 contenders, I truly am humbled that you would consider me worthy, but I promise that should I be the lucky one to win her hand, I will not only protect her, her interests and those that she loves, I will love and honor only her for the rest of her days." he said, his eyes suddenly softening as he bowed once more to her family.

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