Chapter 23 - The Search 1

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Unknown to Bai Qian, the battle that had raged in her wake, was continuing above the Demon Lands.  She had no idea why she ran or where she was running to, but all she could think about was her infidelity as her feet took her forward to anywhere but to the man she did not deserve.

Finding a maid to lead her back to the main entrance, she immediately caught a cloud and soared high above the clouds to aimlessly float, lost to her thoughts as the day slowly began to end and night moved swiftly above her.  But she saw none of it through her tears as Mo Yuans soft gentle eyes continued to stare at her through her tears.

As her mind went over the events at the Celestials Lotus Pond, every part of her screamed at her to return and face him. to salvage what was left of their relationship before it was too late, but she couldn't move.  Honghuis face continued to break into her thoughts, his eyes, his face and his lips which she had so carelessly taken without a thought for Mo Yuan or their relationship, and that only increased her resolve to distance herself even more from him.  

How could she return to him, when she had done the one thing he had warned her not to do.  He had told her, there would be no forgiveness if she crossed the line, and Mo Yuan was not one to go back on his words, his word was his honor.  She couldn't return, not to his sad eyes again or the intense aura of his broken heart that awaited her if she did.  He deserved someone who would be faithful and loyal, who would love him unconditionally and without hesitation, not someone like her who could break her word in a moment of weakness.  She could not return.

It was as if her whole life had brought her to this sole moment, and nothing she could do would change the path she now found herself on.  There was no one to talk to and no one to run to, not even her mother could help her, she thought sadly to herself, as she continued to float aimlessly to nowhere, until eventually sleep took her.

It was the cold chill of the air that eventually woke her as she sat up on her cloud and looked around.  The sky seemed to have changed so looking down, she realized she had floated a considerable distance from where she had been, so lowering herself to the ground, she alighted to look a around.

She had no idea where she was, and at that moment, she really didn't care.  The forest nearby didn't look all that different to the one on Kunlun Mountain, but the valley she was standing in did.  It was brilliantly lit up with a profusion of color as the multitude of wild flowers that grew rampant in every direction put a small smile on her face.  The valley really was very pretty, and the scent of their gentle aroma, wafted on the breeze to mingle with the peach blossom scent of her hair.  But it's so fleeting, soon the flowers will wither and die and with them, the scent, much like love she thought sadly to herself.

Suddenly the overwhelming urge to get drunk hit her, but the Peach Tree Woods may as well have been on the other side of the Universe.  With no idea where she was, she could not even make a rational guess as to which direction to take.  Sitting down heavily among the wild flowers, she allowed her heartbreak to take full reign of her emotions as she sobbed violently into her knees.


By the time Mo Yuan had reached the Demon Lands, Zhe Yan had already arrived at the Celestial Palace with Mo Yuans Disciples to gather support.  Di Jun, who on learning of what was unfolding, immediately ordered his own army to move immediately to the outskirts of the Demon Lands and to wait until he arrived.  

The last thing they wanted was another full scale war over a woman, a war that would undo the months of hard work that he himself had overseen.  No one alive had ever seen Di Jun angry, and even though his impassive stoic expression gave nothing away, his aura did.  He was furious.

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