Chapter 3 - Part 2. Initial Days

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It is still dark when Si Yin rises.  Dressing quickly, he makes his way to Zhi Lans chamber only to find him still sleeping.  Shaking him thoroughly, Zhi Lan merely releases a harsh groan before turning onto his side facing away from him.  "Very well, I will have fun without you then." she informs his sleeping motionless body, before leaving for Die Fengs chamber.

Sensing his arrival, Die Feng automatically opens his chamber door before he can knock.  "Come in for a moment Si Yin." he says as he continues to dress himself.  Taking the time to look about his chamber, Si Yin notices his books which he makes his way towards.  They are all war strategy books, which he finds interesting.  He recalls the conversations his father used to have with Zhe Yan about the war strategies Shifu devised when he was younger.  Strategies that saw him win every war or battle he ever fought in and the reason why he is The War God.

Picking one up, he can see instantly that it is written by Shifu, and this one is a study of the complexities that go into creating a simple strategic war plan, based on the least amount of soldiers needed to create an army. The study is brief but thorough, and Si Yin reads through it quickly, before taking up another book.  

Unaware that Die Feng has already dressed himself and is sitting on his bed observing him, he continues to read the books.  And as Die Feng watches, he suddenly realizes that this boy may have a very special gift.  Each book the boy picks up, he opens, then very quickly flicks through each page.  Once he reaches the end of the book, his eyes suddenly glaze over, before righting themselves again.  Then closing the book, he returns it before picking up another and repeats the same actions.

Wanting verification of his suspicions, Die Feng stands and removes the second more heftier book that Si Yin just read.  Unlike the first book, this one is a more comprehensive study of strategic warfare, which also contains thousands of formula needed to counter the thousands of known aerial formations.  

"I have never been able to understand this book in it's entirety." he says raising it up for Si Yin to see.  "Though some of the formula are ingenious, most of them are difficult to understand." he adds, before opening the book and turning to a page at random.  "Take this one for example, I can't make heads nor tail of it." he says poking the page with enough force to sound convincing, while throwing Si Yin a wry smile.

Glancing casually at the page Die Feng has opened, Si Yins eyes suddenly glaze over once again.  Then to Die Fengs amazement he takes the book from his hands and quickly leafs through the pages to the back of the book where he gives it back open to a page he decides is relevant.  "Second paragraph explains that formation in detail." he says nonchalantly, before replacing the book he has just read and turns back to face his senior.

"Shall we go?" he says.

Putting the book back, Die Feng looks at his junior with a small smile.  He might be small in stature, but he can see, this boy will be one to keep them all on their toes, and the gift of photographic memory is one he is going to have to inform Shifu of.  Patting his shoulder warmly, he nods.  "lets go."


No sooner are the doors of the armory flung wide, does Si Yin run ahead in excitement clutching his hands tightly together against his chest.  It is the first sign of emotion that Die Feng has seen from the boy, and his enthusiasm is contagious as he too strolls in quickly behind him.

The smell of leather and metal is strong as each weapon comes into view, and with his fox senses fully open and alert, he can smell something else.  "Vinegar, Lemon and......" taking another sniff at the air, he hones in the one smell that is alluding him.  

Die Feng smiles to himself.  He understands in a second what Si Yin is smelling, but he says nothing, instead he waits to see if he can work out what the third ingredient is that is used to clean the metallic weaponry.

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