Chapter 3 - Part 4. Initial days

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Si Yin and Zhi Lans first weeks were full and busy, leaving them very little time for themselves.  By the end of each day, they were both too tired to do anything else but sleep, and this was having an affect on Si Yins ability to concentrate.  Though he had the competency to handle any subject thrown at him, he was not used to such a rigorous and strict routine and unable to meditate, he found himself growing more and more irritable with the other Disciples with each passing day, and it was noticed by everyone including Mo Yuan.

They had been Disciples for 3 months, and this particular morning, both of them were expected to be on the sparring grounds for weapons training at dawn.  Mo Yuan had expressly given strict instructions to both boys to be prompt and in attendance at the allotted time.  However, when it became obvious that Si Yin was not going to show for his lesson, Mo Yuan sent Ling Yu 9th Disciple to search for him and bring him to the sparring ground immediately.

Ling Yu was gone for no more than 20 minutes when he returned at great speed.  "Shifu I found him." he said out of breath unable to say much more as he was panting hard.  Pointing in the direction he had just come from, he managed to croak out the words, "Lotus Pond." before falling to his knees.  

Bending over him, he realized the boy was injured.  "What happened 9th?" he asked as he looked over his wounds.  Though only lightly burned, which he healed immediately with magic,  it was the fear in his 9th Disciples eyes that had him on it his feet and running.  Ordering all of them to remain where they were, he left swiftly for the lotus pond.

He hadn't even entered through the arch when he heard the distinct sound of crackling and the pulsating ripple of energy, very strong energy, which immediately raised his defenses. Storming into the Lotus Pond area he was immediately met with a burst of deep vibrant green haze that had spread out from the dais towards the pond itself, however it was so thick he could not yet see what is causing it.

Moving closer, he can just make out the outline of Si yin who is on the dais in deep meditation.  Surrounding himself in a thick barrier, and opening his own energy he immediately makes his way forward through the thick throb of Si Yins energy, and as he gets closer he can feel the throb literally pushing into his barrier, it is so strong.

"Seventeenth!" he calls out to him through the thick haze, but he doesn't hear him, he is too deep into his meditation.

Increasing his own energy to maintain his barrier, he marched forward swiftly until he is right in front of him, then hitting the boys main energy center, he forced him out of his meditation.  

Instantly Si Yins eyes fly open bringing him face to face with Mo Yuan.  "Close down now!" Mo Yuan orders, the anger in his eyes evident as he watches Si Yin draw his energy back into himself.  The wild throb of his powerful release takes some to draw back, and Mo Yuan can see the boy is struggling with it that he begins to worry.

"Return to your true form to draw it back Seventeenth." he instructs him, and as he watches Si Yin change back to his true form, he also notices the sharp change in the energy as the girl begins to draw her energy back into herself.  It is still strong, but more gentle, and the color too has changed from green to teal.

Once she has gathered it all back into herself, she begins to cry instantly unsettling Mo Yuan.  He has never had to deal with a crying child, let alone a little girl, and not just any little girl, but his best friends daughter.  Doing the first thing that comes to mind, he immediately waves his hand about her and changes her back to her male form bringing the crying to an instant end.

He then watches as Si Yin, slowly swipes his hand across his face to remove the tears which he studies with a look of confusion, before once again facing Mo Yuan.

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