Chapter 21 - Rage

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Spinning around wildly, Bai Qian took in her surroundings briefly before turning back towards Mo Yuan, the rage in her eyes flaring out as his anger too began to take hold.  He had brought them to the asteroid and no sooner had his feet hit the ground than she immediately began to storm at him.  "Here?  You would bring me here?  WHY?  Do you think this place will lesson your guilt?" she screamed up at him, pushing him back roughly when he reached out for her. "Don't touch me, you whoring bastard, go back to your bitch!." she screamed even louder and her hands clenched tightly to lash out.

"ENOUGH!" his voice boomed out around her.  "Now you listen to me Bai Qian.  I have had enough of your filthy mouth and vile accusations." he yelled down at her, his own hands clenching tightly at his side as his glare bore into her.  Taking 2 steps forward, she refused to be intimidated by him, instead taking a step forward of her own ready to rage.

"Go to hell you...." but before she could finish what she was about to scream, Mo Yuan grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her hard causing her to cry out. 

"BAI QIAN!" he roared over the top her screaming, bringing an instant silence, as his face took on a deathly darkened fury.  Not even his anger at Yao Guang could match the burning storm raging through him at that moment, and her tears and harsh sobbing merely intensified it, as he once again pulled her into his arms roughly.

Fighting against him, her hands and feet swung out wildly to force him off her, as his grip tightened to the point of pain causing her to cry out.  But he did not loosen his grip which only angered her even more as her nails and teeth dug into every inch of skin she could pierce.

"Damn it Bai Qian!" he cursed as he struggled to contain her wild thrashing, while battling to keep his furious anger in check.

Taking several deep breaths to calm his voice, he held her forcefully against him, as she continued to fight against him.  "I don't know what they told you, but why did you not ask me directly?  Why would you believe their lies without first asking me Bai Qian?" he asked her harshly, his voice a deep throaty growl, as he continued to hold onto her struggling body.

Refusing to listen as she fought to free herself, her tears raining down her face and her breathing coming in short sharp bursts until she managed to free one hand.  Quick as lightening, she brought it up and raked her nails across his cheek drawing blood. "Let me go you liar! Go back to your Whore! You....." 

Before she knew what hit her, she was suddenly slammed down hard onto the day bed and her hands instantly forced above her head as Mo Yuan straddled her, pressing his full weight down into her.  Looking up in shock and bringing an instant end to her screaming and struggling, she recoiled at the fury raging in his eyes.

Boring into her very soul, his eyes had turned the darkest shade of black that she had ever seen, the danger in them suddenly stilled all sound as she stared into them.  "Let me tell you something about whores Bai Qian." he whispered breathlessly into her face.  "They have the filthiest mouths." he stormed softly at her.  "So yesssss." he hissed, "It seems I do have a whore after all, and her mouth is the most vilest I have ever heard." he seethed gratingly against her face as the sweet metallic scent of his bloodied cheek assaulted her nostrils which were flaring out widely. 

 "Allow  me to clean it out for you." he sneered down at her widening eyes, before slamming his lips down onto hers and taking her mouth viciously, forcing his tongue into her mouth while causing her to gag at the rough intrusion.  

Struggling madly against him, her legs flailed and thrashed to kick him off her, as she bit down hard on his lip, forcing him to hiss through his teeth, which only made him kiss her harder and more deeply, before letting her go briefly to catch her breath "Stop fighting me Bai Qian." he whispered as he took her quivering  lips back again, not allowing her a second to answer him. 

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