Chapter 12 - Part 1. Coming Out

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"You're taking her to The Celestial Palace?" Bai Zhi asked stunned.  "Why?"

Mo Yuan thought about how best to answer his question.  He doubted very much, the man had heard the nasty gossip that had been spreading throughout the Realms about his daughter.  No one would have dared repeat it to his face, let alone allowed him to unintentionally hear of it.  But in the end, he decided the truth would be sufficient, after all,  she would one day rule in her fathers stead, the world had a right to know who she was.

"The Festival of Peaches is later today.  I don't normally attend these kinds of functions, but if we are to still the gossip once and for all, she needs to come out of hiding." he informed him.

Bai Zhi was furious.  To suddenly learn that his only daughter had been made the brunt of vicious gossip, was unforgivable, and had her mother been here, he would not have been able to stop her attending the Festival in Mo Yuans stead, the result of which would have seen his daughter shunned and socially rejected by everyone present.  The womans mouth was just as dangerous as Mo Yuans sword Xian Yuan, especially when it came to her family.  She could tear apart even the most sturdiest of men, with a single glare.

It was a situation that needed a delicate hand, because the people she would be meeting were the Realms leaders, their sons and daughters as well as The Celestial Tribes Hierarchy.  People whose egos were bigger than the Skylords, and her mothers presence would merely negate any chance they had of introducing her to society with the intention of quelling the gossip.

And he did see the point Mo Yuan was making.  She had been kept apart from her fellow Immortals all her life, not because he wanted to hide her away, but because she had left his care at a time when most young girls were being introduced to society.  If anyone was to blame, it was himself.  

"Alright.  I agree." he finally said, not that Mo Yuan was waiting for permission, he was going to take her regardless, but knowing how quickly word spreads, he merely wanted his brother to be prepared for the gossip he knew would begin the moment they arrived, and if everything went to plan, the gossip would all be in her favor.

"Good.  We will leave immediately." He informed him before rising and leaving both Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan to reflect on what had just happened.  

Not only were they seriously considering him as a potential husband for Xiao Wu, but he was about to release the girl onto an unsuspecting Immortal World that could just well sweep her out from under his feet.

"I know his intentions are good, and he means well, but the man is a bloody fool." Zhe Yan scoffed loudly causing his brother to laugh in agreement.

"Well whatever fate has in store for the two of them, we have front row seats.  Let the fun begin." Bai Zhi roared to more laughter as the wine came out.


"She looked a picture of absolute delight.  Dressed in one of the new dresses Mo Yuan had purchased for her,a pastel blue with the softest of yellow tassels in silk and lace,  and with her hair lightly gathered in at the sides, Bai Zhi's eyes began to tear.  She is going to surpass her mother, he thought to himself, as he took in the vision of his beautiful little girl who had suddenly grown into  a woman before his eyes.

Unable to utter a word, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly, while Zhe Yan walked around them taking in the sight of her amazingly beautiful form.  

"Hn." he said offhandedly, his way of saying he was pleased without making it obvious, before turning to face Mo Yuan.

"Will you be returning after the Festival." Zhe Yan asked. 

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