Chapter 7 - Transition

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By the time Bai Qian made it back to the hut, Dongmei was fast asleep.  Having watched the child run until she was out of view, she had turned around to find them gone.  She had spent almost an hour searching for the snakes with her Fan at the ready, preparing to kill if she had to, but they were nowhere to be seen.  It made no sense at all, and she was beginning to wonder if she had drunk more wine than she had intended.  I'm losing my mind, she thought to herself, when she found her little cousin curled up asleep next to Bai Zhen who was fishing off the side of the lake.

"Oh you finally remembered we were here did you?" he asked sarcastically.  "The child has been waiting for you all day!" he berated her sharply.

I really am losing my mind she thought.  The fear inside had yet to subside, but seeing her little cousin safe and sleeping peacefully without a care in the world had her reassessing her ability to hold her alcohol.  Or maybe the wine is a stronger batch, she thought seeking to create a valid explanation for the terror she had just left behind.

"I.... I think I may have fallen asleep." she answered weakly, moving to gather the sleeping little girl into her arms.

"You think you may have fallen asleep?" Zhe Yans voice cut in from behind her.    "Well that's just grand Xiao Wu.  Might I remind you, we did not agree to take care of Dongmei, for you to sleep away the afternoon." he also berated her sharply.

She didn't mind the growling, she was used to blocking it out, but the pretty little face sleeping so peacefully in her arms suddenly made her want to hold her tighter and never let her go.  And no matter how naughty she was, how annoying she was or how terribly infuriating she was, the child was her family and one she would protect from this moment on.  Bending down, she placed a gentle kiss on the childs lips before stroking her cheek softly.

Immediately the childs eyes flew open as Zhe Yan suddenly spat his wine out all over the both of them.  Then coughing into his hand he looked up sheepishly.  "It's warm, too warm." he smiled apologetically as she looked up at him in shock and he used magic to clean them all up.

Looking down at the wide eyed little girl that was staring straight up at her, Bai Qian helped her to sit up on her lap before drawing her back into her arms.  "Look what you did Zhe Yan, you frightened her!"  She chided his own wide eyes as she once again lowered her head to kiss the childs cheek. "It's alright Dongmei, cousin will protect you." she whispered softly into her ear as she held her against her chest, seeking only to ensure that the child really was safe while her heart continued to beat wildly.

"Oh?  So now you care about her?" Zhe Yan asked her with a small smile, but unable to look at her.

"Of course I care about her." she snapped before once again looking down at her little cousin who had yet to take her eyes from her face.  

"Dongmei, I have a little gift for you.  Tonight I'm going to take you to a very special place that I have never taken anyone else before.  It will be a special treat just for you." she smiled down at her tenderly.  

And before she could once again kiss her, Dongmei suddenly jumped off her lap.  "Now cousin, let's go now," she squealed excitedly.  Though behind the disguise, Mo Yuans mind was reeling.  He had felt every inch of her lips on his own, and his mind was still trying to move beyond it and what was worse, his brother knew it.  Jumping off her lap to once again return to the little girl in the hope he could steer the direction of his thoughts, didn't help, not when he wanted to jump back into her lap.

Laughing at the excited little girl, Bai Qian patted her head gently.  "Tonight Dongmei. Night time is the best time.  But I won't say why, you'll see when we get there." then taking the little girls hand into her own, she led her back to the hut for something to eat and then maybe a quick nap before they went home.

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