Chapter 22 - Days of Intrigue 5

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The touch of his skin almost felt like the air itself, and as she rolled her fingers lightly over his high cheek bone and slowly down the contours of his face, his eyes turned to liquid pools of dusky gold,  almost like the very sky above them.   

She could literally feel herself slipping into the very depths of his gaze, as his smile slowly began to reach out towards her own lips, deepening her intense desire to take them.  Slowly her feet began to raise slightly to bring her small body up to reach him,  and as his face lowered slightly, her lips lightly brushed against his.  It was the most softest of touches, barely a whisper of a kiss, when suddenly something in her mind snapped,  the shock of his touch suddenly sent her reeling backwards.

Snatching her hand back she looked up at him in shock.  And as she moved quickly to put some distance between them, while clasping her hands tightly behind her back, his smile grew even wider.  She had no idea what had possessed her to touch him, to lose herself to his eyes and of all things to kiss him!,  but that she had, suddenly had her wanting to leave, and quickly.  

This must have been what she had been warned about, she thought to herself, because not only did she find herself intensely attracted to him, she knew if she hadn't broken the connection, she might well have fully crossed that invisible barrier, one that a engaged woman should never cross, this man was indeed very dangerous.

Taking one step forward, Lord Hongui, continued to smile at her, but the urge to seek more than just a feather light kiss was urging her to also take a step forward and it took every ounce of power to remain where she was.

 "Let me lead you back." he said softly extending his hand towards her, but unable to speak, she merely took another step back while shaking her head, not daring to look at his face or those lips.


"She can't have gone far, I was only with Di Jun for no more than 10 minutes." Zhe Yan said annoyed.  They had been walking the vast halls for almost half an hour and yet there was no sign of her.  

"You of all people know what she's like when her mind is lost in thought, she pays no attention whatsoever to anything around her." Mo Yuan sighed, because her energy they were following was all over the place.  "I wonder how far she got, before she realized she had wandered off," he asked grinning as Zhe Yan laughed softly beside him.

Zhe Yan knew well how scattered her actions could be when she lost herself to her thoughts.  The girl lost connection to time and space when she allowed her mind to wander freely, and going by the dead ends they had reached, only to turn back to pick up her energy to swerve in a different direction, it seemed her mind had completely left her behind.  It was the price she paid for having such high intelligence, her mind usually ruled her body most times.

Though her actions the day before, had him wondering just how intelligent she really was.  That she had allowed Lord Honghui to sway her the way he did, suddenly had him wondering why he was even there.

 "So what is this big meeting about Mo Yuan?" Zhe asked suddenly.  If it involved The Demon Lord, then it wasn't good.  Neither Mo Yuan or The Demon Lord stepped out of their Realms unless it was urgent, so for the both of them to not only meet on Kunlun Mountain and then here, suggested something big was happening.

Flicking his eyes lightly towards his friends, Mo Yuan could see his mind working furiously.  "As you know the Ghost Tribes youth have been rising up for sometime now.  This meeting is merely to reaffirm our bonds with The Demon Clan, nothing more." he said, not mentioning the condition Honghui had included on Kunlun Mountain which he refused outright.  

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