Chapter 4 - Part 2. The Brotherhood

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3 years later.

After that day, Mo Yuan made sure that Si Yin spent as much time as possible with his seniors in everything that they did, in order for him learn the many subtleties of the human character.   Much of which involved endless punishments until he fully grasped each concept, though now and again, his inner urge to rebel would rise up, and having the ability to argue his point intelligently, he on occasion left Mo Yuan wondering if he was perhaps being unfair on the boy.

Mo Yuan also taught the boy a meditation routine that would not only stabilize his energy centers, it would also stabilize Zhe Yans spell, which he learned was a Fox Clan spell, but one Zhe Yan had manipulated to suit Bai Qians character without taking too much from her.  The original spell would have seen her personality split permanently. 

And after his first stint in the mortal realm, Mo Yuan had him learning tact and diplomacy, however, being one that never lied, and unable to show emotion, his ability to offer a gentle compassionate reading to anyone was mediocre at best, which was hard for Si Yin to accept, being one who had to excel in everything.  In the end, he conceded and agreed to merely assist his seniors with the set up of their tables, then observe from the side.

Surprisingly though Zhi Lan did very well with divination, an art form that he was fast excelling at, and it was his enthusiasm that actually made the trip enjoyable for Si Yin, who took notes from his friend for future use, should he ever decide to try his hand at divination again. 

In fact Zhi Lan and Si Yin had become very good friends, and because Zhi Lan was liked by his seniors, then they had no choice but to accept Si Yin who followed him everywhere he went. 

 And one of those places was the Tea House to listen to the Mortal Realm stories, which Si Yin enjoyed immensely.  Not so much for the stories which he found somewhat exaggerated and far fetched, but the acting and musical entertainment that always accompanied each story.

Die Feng and Ling Yu too enjoyed the stories so normally it was the four of them that would go whenever they had free time.   And it was a visit to a play this day,  that saw three of them in a public brawl.

There were 4 rules which they had to abide by when visiting the Mortal Realm.  They must wear the clothing of the Mortals, they did not interfere in their world or their lives, they could not use their powers and lastly they could not expose their true identities.  Breaking any one of these rules would bring dire consequences.

This particular day, there were many men attending the story telling, and all of them had come from a nearby Silk Robe festival, that men participate in by wearing their finest silk robes to flaunt their wealth in order to gain favor with the Gods.  By the end of the first story almost all of them were drunk to the point of staggering.  

The rowdiness and boisterousness became uncomfortable and unbearable for their small group, so deciding to leave, they made their way down the steps and out through the main entrance.  It was then, that Zhi Lan noticed that Si Yin was not among them, so notifying Die Feng that Si Yin was missing, all three turned around and reentered to find him.

And it didn't take long.  He was surrounded by a pack of silk robed drunk men, who all thought the pretty little boy with the delicate features and petite lithe body was the perfect end to a perfect day.  And their conclusion was reached due to the fact that Si Yins robes were not of silk, therefore he was poor, whereas they were wealthy and outranked him, he was nothing more than a play thing for them all to enjoy and being so pretty, they were not going to let him go.

Dragging him back towards the side rooms to have fun with the boy, his top robe already brutally ripped from his body, while two of them fondled his lower region, Si Yin tried his best to fight them off him without resorting to magic, but the more he fought the stronger they became and the rougher they were with him.  Biting down hard on a hand that had sought to cover his screams, earned him a swift punch to the side of his head, almost blinding him from the pain.

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