Chapter 5 - Part 2. The Trial

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Having made their way to a small clearing just off the path, they all decided to take a rest.  Conjuring up a simple meal, they sat and ate quietly, while Liang went over the trial so far.  Both challenges they had faced, saw their group panic which could have injured any one of them, so fully taking on the role of leader he addressed his group.

"From this moment on, if we don't stay together and assist one another, we are not only going to get hurt, but we are going to fail." He told them in no uncertain terms.  "Since we can only use our magic within the forest, and we need to save our energy because it is weaker in here, we are to all take hold of the one in front and you do not let go, until I give the order to."  he told them, gaining vigorous nods from them all.

It was midday and the sun was high in the sky, though much of the forest kept them in the shade and with a long way to go, Liang informed his group, that it was possible they would not finish the trial before dark set in, but he wanted them to at least reach the convergence of the two paths so they would not have to spend a night in the forest itself, especially seeing as how their youngest junior was prone to panicking and crying, which none of them wanted to deal with, not when they themselves were as uneasy as he was.

 So allowing them only a short rest, he immediately had his group line up, with Si Yin in the middle, Cheng Bao at the front leading and Liang bringing up the rear.  Placing a hand on the shoulder of the one in front of them, they continued ahead, but at a slower pace and as they walked the beasts about them, began to disappear.

Slowly the noise of the forest began to die away and as they continued even the flies stilled their buzzing.  Not even a whisper of an ant could be heard as all the wildlife returned to their abodes, making the trek even harder on their frayed nerves, and looking about the forest floor Si Yin also noticed that the forest itself now seemed to be asleep.  Nothing moved, not even the wind, which only put him on edge even more.  The sudden silence was deafening.  Opening his fox ears, which could hear sound from miles away if he concentrated hard enough, there was nothing.  Nothing at all.

Liang too, noticed the sudden change in atmosphere, so calling a halt to his group, he advised all of them that the next challenge would be upon them soon, and to stay alert.  "And under no circumstances are you to panic."  he told them all, while looking directly at Si Yin. 

No sooner had they realigned themselves and once again set off, than the sound of the next challenge began to filter through.  Stopping to listen, none could figure out what the sound was, but as they continued on, the sound got louder and louder until they almost walked straight into it.

Suddenly the whole forest ahead of them had disappeared.  There was nothing there.  No path, no forest, no beasts, just a void and the path they were on led straight into it.  Ordering his juniors back, Liang walked to the edge of the path to see if he could see through the empty space ahead of them, but other than a definite drop into what looked like billowing clouds below, there was nothing, but the noise coming from it was loud the closer they all got it.

"It sounds like a waterfall."  Liang said looking back at his juniors.  "Even though I can't see anything, it definitely sounds like water." he added.

 Ordering Ru to bring a large rock, which he fetched quickly, Liang held onto it.  Then facing Si Yin, he told him to move closer.  "I'm going to drop this over the edge."  He told him. "I want you to open your fox ears, and listen hard.  Count the seconds from the moment I drop it, to when you can hear it hit the bottom."  Nodding that he understood, Liang held the rock up, once he knew Si Yin was ready, he let it go.

For a long time Si Yin counted and listened intently, but there was nothing.  It was if the world had stopped where the their path ended. The sound of  water, the only evidence that there was something beyond the void.

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