Chapter 26 - Full Circle

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'The two boys faced off against each other, their wooden swords drawn back ready to strike as his Kunlun Mountain brothers watched on in anticipation.  The thought of a Demon child joining their ranks was so abhorrent, that had Mo Yuan not challenged the boy himself, the others would have and as far as he was concerned, that was not an ideal situation, considering he was the son of the Heavenly Father, and therefore the only one who had the right to challenge any new student, especially a Demon.

Having just arrived and full of excitement and apprehension, the Demon child had looked up at The Heavenly Father in awe, who begrudgingly accepted the child as a way to peacefully bring their two worlds together.  Though looking down at the boy, he did not see any of the adult contempt he was so used to seeing, especially that which was coming from the soldiers and care givers who accompanied him..  

Instead he saw a very bright boy with much potential, but what struck him immediately as he looked deeper into the child's eyes, was his ability to almost read himself.  It was not intentional, nor was there any malice in his demeanor, if anything, the child's mind was highly inquisitive and one that he would have to teach him to control, but he was almost on a par with those of their own world.  But most importantly, his heart was good, and his mind was clean.

Though the ones who came with the boy, were not, but for the sake of peace, he allowed their presence for the day, and once the initial greetings and formal rites were completed, he allowed them to roam the vast grounds freely so the child could acquaint himself with the lay of the sprawling estate and the other children who would share the oncoming years with him.

No sooner had the Demon group moved away and out of sight of their Master, than the Disciples immediately accosted the Demons to challenge their presence. And though the child had yet to speak, Mo Yuan had taken it upon himself to personally see the boy off the Mountain as quickly as he arrived. Throwing a practice sword at the ground in front of him, he urged him to pick it up. "If you want to live among us, then prove your worth boy." he said arrogantly as he took on his own unique fighting stance and waited.  

"Kill the arrogant little bastard." the Demon child's soldiers roared from behind him as they watched their boy pick up the wooden sword and as the two faced each other, their laughter stung Mo Yuans ears and caused a deep flush to spread across his cheeks at their insolence.

"Gutter trash." one of Mo Yuans brothers called out from behind him.  "Filthy mouths do not belong here, go home now Demon boy." the rest chimed in, their own laughter causing the child's cheeks to also flush wildly.

Now circling each other, both alert to the slightest movement, the ribbing continued from the sidelines as they measured each others stance and gait. 

Suddenly one of the Demon soldiers who had become impatient, threw a burst of energy between them, a harmless spark that caused a very large explosion which immediately had both boys charging at each other wildly and as their wooden swords met and feet struck out amid their wild spinning, the gathered spectators raucously cheered them on.

It didn't take too long before both boys were wounded and bleeding heavily but the adrenaline was pumping and neither were willing to give an inch as they fought fiercely, both of them screaming their own insults, yet Mo Yuan was not prepared for the boy to be so well trained, they were evenly matched.

But it was when their swords struck each other across the face at the same time and sent them both flying backwards that The Heavenly Father arrived and marched straight in between them before hauling both of them to their feet.  Holding both boys by the back of their collars, he ordered the Demon soldiers and care givers to return home, while he forced both boys forward.

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