Chapter 19 - Part 2. Retribution

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Waking slowly, Si Yin could barely see.  His head was throbbing and the room was dark, too dark to see anything, even though he could hear the faint flicker of candles nearby.  And as awareness began to take hold, so did the pain.  His whole body hurt, but unable to see, and having no idea what had happened or where he was, she tried to call out.  But no sound would come.  He opened his mouth, but no matter how hard he tried, he could not force a single sound from his mouth and as he moved to look about him, an enormous burst of pain shot through his head and he lost consciousness again.


It had been surprisingly easy to remove the boy, Mo Yuans security had grown lax, she thought to herself.   Moving quickly, Yao Guang immediately had the still unconscious boy transferred to one of her many torture chambers.  A chamber she would have a lot of fun in before she got rid of him.  

Looking at his features up close, she couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt that such a pretty little boy would soon be no more.  He really was a delicate looking child, very feminine looking and that had her once again thinking of Bai Qian. 

Stripping him naked, she had his body bound and silenced, and once in place, she immediately began to pry into the thick barrier that surrounded him.  It was exceptionally strong, and going by her reading, more than one energy was used to create it.  She would have to study it carefully to attempt any disarming of the barrier, but that would take time, and time was not something she had.  And no sooner had that thought passed her mind, than her maid informed her of Mo Yuans arrival


"Do you have my Disciple Si Yin?" Mo Yuan asked Yao Guang, having immediately raced to her Palace to rescue him.  Dragging Die Feng, Liang and Qiang with him, he ordered all three boys to stay close but say nothing.

They were standing just outside the water dungeon, and Yao Guang and her two maids faced them, blocking the entrance.  "Mo Yuan.  Why would you think I have your Disciple Si Yin?" she asked softly, looking shocked and hurt that he would accuse her of anything.

But Mo Yuan was in no mood for her games or her lies.  "Move aside Yao Guang." he said sharply, pushing her out of his way as he stormed into the Torture Chamber, that held a large Water Dungeon.  Immediately drawing their swords, Die Feng,Liang and Qiang blocked their way as they tried to follow him in. 

With a wave of his hand, the dungeons doors were ripped up and out with an enormously loud burst, emptying the dungeon of half its contents in the process.  Then moving to look into it, he saw that it was completely empty.

Storming back to Yao Guang and her maids, his fury was evident as Xuan Yuan was ripped from it's scabbard and aimed it straight at her.  "My Disciple Si Yin.  Where is he?" he asked softly, but his raging fury burning through his eyes was enough to scare her maids to their knees and Yao Guang to take several steps back.

Quivering under his intense glare Yao Guang stood her ground.  "Mo Yuan.  I don't know what possessed you to come here with accusations, but your Disciple is not here." she said, forcing a few tears from her eyes, as she looked back at him in indignation.

But Mo Yuan wasn't buying it.  He knew the energy he had felt in the elixir chamber was hers and that meant Si Yin was definitely there.  And that she had filled her dungeon, also meant, she planned on using it.  Turning towards her torture chamber, he released a tremendous burst of energy directly into the dungeon itself and destroyed it within seconds.  Then with another titanic eruption from his sword, he released another burst.  All around them, mortar and rock flew in all directions as her torture chamber was annihilated under his furious onslaught.

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