Chapter 28 - The High Consort

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Princess Yan Zhi was actually quite amicable and friendly, though her Golden Lion was not, having already taken an instant disliking to Si Yin who seemed to have enamored the young Princess at first sight, and if he thought Zhe Yan liked to talk, this Princess didn't stop until they reached their destination.  

"I was led to believe Celestials were rather arrogant and looked down on us." The Princess informed him.  "But you're actually quite friendly." she smiled.  "And very handsome." she added with a shy smile, which earned Si Yin a jab in the back from the Golden Lion, who going by his poor manners and obvious hostility, was in love with this Princess.  

Throwing him back a glare, he grinned at the Princess while fully alert to his surroundings and the direction in which they were travelling.  Going by where the sun was in the sky, they were heading South East.  "Princess, where are we going?" he asked politely, while keeping a safe distance between himself and her, so as to appease the Lion.  The last thing he needed was enemies.

"Grand Zimming Palace to see my father." she replied with a slight frown, then turning suddenly and bringing the group to a standstill she looked closely at him.  "Celestial, how do you know I'm a Princess?" she asked smirking at him.

Coughing lightly in surprise at the sudden question, and darting his eyes around at their small group, Si Yin wasn't sure how to answer her, so deciding to keep it honest he waved his hand about her clothing.  "Well, the clothing you're wearing for a start." he said giving her a small smile.  "You are obviously someone of great importance, and ...." waving his lightly across her face and giving her his very best smile. "You are also exceptionally beautiful, you cannot be anyone else but a Princess." he said blushing heavily which only added to his already handsome features.

"Oh." she replied blushing deeply and giving him a shy side ways smile.  "For a Celestial, you really are very nice.  I am beginning to wonder if the gossip I have heard is actually true." she chuckled lightly.

Though fully realizing the danger he was in, Si Yin could not help but like this Princess, she seemed to be somewhat naive and very sweet, perhaps even pampered like she was, but deciding it would be best not to give away his true identity yet, he maintained the pretense of being a male student of Kunlun Mountain and according to the Princess, a Celestial.

The walk was long and arduous, as the terrain was quite rugged and rocky, making their progress painfully slow, but with a pleasant Princess to keep the air around them light, and safe from her Lion who found any stumble or overly long look in a different direction as an excuse to keep prodding his back as hard as could, Si Yin tackled the long walk as best as he could.

In the far distance he could see the peak of Grand Zimming Palace, which the Princess informed him was actually closer than it looked.  "The thing about The Ghost Realm, is the energy is denser here, so moving through it is much more difficult for you, whereas, we would have arrived by now" she informed him, but if their slow progress was an impediment, she didn't show it, in fact she seemed to be enjoying their slow progression.

"Please forgive my ineptitude Princess." he said solemnly, which merely earned him a hearty laugh in return.

"That's not what I meant Si Yin." she continued to giggle, then pointing towards a clearing up ahead, she smiled.  "Look we're almost there." then grabbing his hand, she broke into a run dragging him with her, though if he wasn't so afraid of what lay ahead, he may have joined her in her enthusiasm.

No sooner had they cleared the soft turf, than the entrance to Grand Zimming Palace came into view.  Looking around in awe, Si Yin was actually quite taken with the view, for a dark Realm, it was actually quite stunning in a mystical kind of way.  Many of the flowers and trees were quite oddly exotic and looked to as if they could actually get up and walk.  Stopping to touch the petals of a large deep purple flower, one he had never seen before, The Princess, quickly pulled his hand back with a sharp glare.  

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