Dolan's cousin

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Alex's POV
" Grayson! Dylan!" Alex shouted " Dinner's ready"

They both came strolling down the stairs and sat down.

" Where's the food mummy?"Dylan asked
Alex came holding the food in her hands and set it on the table. As they all started eating Alex asked Grayson about them moving to LA.

" So when are going to be moving to LA?" Alex asked 

" Well we'll wait for Ethan and Hannah to come back from there trip and then me and E will set up everything" Grayson said

I smiled back at him.

" Dad?" Dylan asked

Grayson looked at him.

" Why do all girls call you daddy?" As he asked

Grayson looked at me not knowing what to say.

" How do you know about this Dylan?" Grayson asked

" Well at school some girls were talking about you and how there older sisters call you daddy" He said  

" Dylan I can't tell your only 9" Grayson said

" But your my dad not there daddy" Dylan said

Grayson kept quite and ate his food.

I holded in my laughter. " Don't even think about it" Grayson said, I looked at him and laughed.
Grayson shakes his head and smiled, he put his plate away and sat down.

Door bell rings

" I'll get it" I said as I walked up to the door to open it.

I opened the door.

" LEYLA!" I shouted as I gave her a hug, Grayson came took her luggages, he closed the door and hugged Leyla.

" How have you been?" Grayson asked as we all sat down.

" Good, good how are you guys?" She asked

" We are good" Grayson said

" Where's the little one?" Leyla Asked

" I'm here!" Dylan shouted, he ran up to her and gave her a warm hug.

" How are you Dylan?"

" I'm good"


" Haha" as Grayson started laughing

" And then we all ran out from the asylum" Leyla said

Leyla was telling us when Grayson, her and Ethan was little, Leyla and Ethan wanted to go to a haunted place, so they found one and went and Grayson shit his pants.

" You could shut up now" Grayson said, glaring at Leyla, Leyla ignored him.

"yeah Leyla I saw one" Grayson said

" He said he saw a ghost" Leyla said

" Leyla I did" Grayson said

" And then he came run-" Grayson cut her off

" * Yawns* Im tired" he said faking a yawn " Let's go bed"

" You can't stop me from tell-" he cut her off again

" You can carry on tomorrow" Grayson said by pulling me by the arm.


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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now