Dylan's suprise

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Dylan's birthday was tomorrow. Leyla dropped off him to school.

" So me and Hannah will go and get the decorations" Grayson said.

" And me and Ethan will order the cake" Alex said

" I will get his gift for him" Leyla said

We all rushed to one place, Ethan got his car keys and got out, Grayson got Leyla's car key.

" Be careful with my car" she said

" We will" Grayson shouted

We both got inside the car and went to the nearest store.

" Why are we going to the nearest one?" I asked

" So that the fans wouldn't know where I am" he said and glared at me.

" Watch when the shop is closed" I said and folded my arms

" No it wouldn't be clo-" he looked outside and frowned.

" Ha told you!" I said

" What are we going to do?" He Asked

" We are going to the mall" I said

Grayson rolled his eyes, and drove off.

Arriving at the car park

He parked the car. And walked behind me.

" Grayson?" I said turning around

" Shhs" He said and pushed me so I could walk.
We got inside the elevator.

" Hopefully no one will see me today" he said

I laughed.

As we got out from the elevator, I saw a shop that was for birthdays ( I don't know if there is a shop like that 😂) I pulled Grayson by the arm.

We got all off the stuff and went back to the car.

" Grayson wait in the car I'll be back"

He nodded his head, I quickly ran back to the mall and entered into a toy shop. I got him some toys that he will probably like. I payed for it and went back to the car park.

" You didn't really have to" Grayson said

" Shut the fuck up and drive" I said

He laughed and drove.

" No music today?" I asked

" Nah"

" C'mon Grayson remember when we always listened to music" I said

" Yeah but I don't care"

I rolled my eyes and opened the radio.

" Eyy Eyy Eyy this is my FUCKING JAM" Grayson shouted

I frowned my eyebrows and laughed.

" I thought you didn't wanna listen to music!" I shouted

He put his hand over my mouth and he sang out loud:


Had to end there guys. Short chapter Ik sowwy

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