Dylan's back

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As I stop the car from a few streets away from Grayson's house I look at Dylan who had a big smile on his face.
" Dylan remember what I told you"
He looks at me
" Don't worry I wouldn't say anything about you" he says
" Good cause I want it to be a surprise for them" I say
He unbuckles his belt and opens the door.
" Be careful" I say

Grayson's POV

Today I had a day off at work. Alex was making dinner for us. As I sat down the door bell rang.

" I'll get it" I say as I get up and make my way towards the door. I unlock it and open the door to be facing....

" D-Dylan" I whisper as I get goosebumps as I see him, my vision goes blurry from the tears

" Dad!" He yells and jumps into my arm's I pick him and give him a tight hug.
His small little arms wrap around my neck trying to give me a squeeze tight, but he couldn't. I giggle.

" D-Dylan?"

I turn around to see Alex, crying. She runs toward us and gets him off me, she gives him a hug and cry. I close the door behind us and stare at them, she was really happy and so was I.

" Mum dad I missed you"

" Oh Dylan" Alex says as she tries to stop crying " We missed you so much" she says as she stops hugging him and looks at him.

" Let's get you all cleaned up" she says taking his hand " Grayson make the dinner " she says

Alex's POV

I take him to the bathroom. His clothes looked dirty, there were holes and rips. He looked pale, he eyes were dark and he had bags under them. His hair was greasy and messy. I fill up the water.

" What's happened to you sweetie?" I say in a whisper holding my tears

He looks down " Nothing's happened" he says. I hold him and put him in the water. He sits down looking at the water. I clean him, all the dirt on him. Who could do this too him? As I clean him, Grayson opens the door.

" The dinner is ready" he says

" Okay"

I get Dylan out of bath, wrap the towel around him and set him to our bedroom, he sits down on the bed with the towel around him, he looked sick and really pale. As I get him his clothes I ask him questions.

" When was the last time you ate?"

" Today but in the morning" he says

" Where?"

" I don't know, Mum"

I nod my head

" Who done this to you?"

He looks at me and doesn't say anything.

" Dylan who done this to you?"

" I-I can't- I don't know mum" he says looking down at his fingers
I didn't hesitate and ask more questions. I get him dressed and dry his hair.

" Are you hungry?"

He nods his head, I hold his hand and we make our way downstairs. I see Grayson sitting down waiting for us he already set the table. As Dylan sits down he grabs everything, bread, a glass of water and more. I look at Grayson and he looks at me, he nods his head to say everything is okay. Dylan bites the bread and then again and again. I couldn't look, who would starve a child. I couldn't eat so I get up and walk to the kitchen, seeing him like this hurt me.

Dylan's back
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Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now