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Date - 1st October 2016
Time- 6:00 o'clock

I woke up to the sun shining on my face, I rubbed my eyes and sat up, I looked to my right to see Aaron asleep, I slowly poke him.

" Hmm" he hums turning the other way round. " Get up" I say putting my head on top of his shoulder " It's our wedding day today"
He turns around and smiles at me, he sits up and rubs his eyes. I get up and tie my hair " You going to the hairdressers?" I turn around " Yeah it's at 8", Aaron gets up from the bed and enters into the bathroom followed by me.

" Bit Of privacy please" he said turning around looking at me. I give him a cheeky smile then turn around and open the cold water, I wash my face then dry it.
" Pass me my toothbrush please" I give his brush and get mine we both brush our teeth's.
As we both get out from the bath room Aaron went downstairs as I went to the wardrobe and put on a plain white t-shirt and Adidas jogging bottoms on. I tucked in the shirt since it was too big. After I was done I check the time ' 6:50', I put my phone on charge and headed downstairs. " You need help?" I Ask " Nope" He said popping the 'P' and turns around with two plates that had bacon, eggs and beans, typical English breakfast. He gives me my plate and puts his plate opposite mine he brings the toast, knife and the fork, the he gets out 2 tea bags and boils the kettle.
" so are you excited?" He asks
" Yes" I say smiling at him
" Wanna tell me the schedule for today?" He asked pouring the boiled water into the cups.
" So at 8 Alex is going to pick me up and we're gonna go to the hairdressers" I said as he brings the tea and sits down " Leyla is gonna Get the dress and bring it and she has to pick up Aroosa and Lexie. Then we're all gonna go and get our hair and makeup done" I said, he nodded his head while he was eating, " You have to come and see the place" he said as he took a sip of his tea " Yeah I'll get my hair done and makeup and I'll come with Aroosa"
While Aaron was still eating, I get up and put my plate away I go behind Aaron and kiss his cheek " Thank you for the breakfast" I said, he turned around and smiled. I turn around and head upstairs, I check my phone to see 2 messages.

Alex❤️ you better be up already!
Alex❤️ I'm coming to pick you up, I'll be there in 30 minutes bye xxx
I message back ' See you xxx'

I take my phone out of charge since it was full and headed downstairs. I sit down and go on my phone, " Babes Grayson is here I'm heading out" he quickly runs up to me and kisses me " See you later" I shout and I heard the door closing.


Alex❤️ I'm here xx

I get up putting on my shoes and heading out, " Hey" I said as I get inside the car " Hey" she said and drove off " Ugh I'm really excited" I said putting on my seat belt " Me too this is gonna be the best wedding ever" she says

Arriving at the hairdressers

" So what you doing to your hair?" I Ask Alex she was still looking at the pictures, " I don't know" she said. I sat on the chair and then women started washing my hair, I close my eyes and relaxed. After that I sat on another chair, I saw Alex showing a picture to the women. While the women was washing her hair the door opened.

" Hey Guys!" Leyla said she handed the women the dress in the bag and she put it somewhere safe, then in came Aroosa, Lexie, Cameron and Lisa.

We all got out hair done, Cameron, Leyla and Lisa were still getting it done. Aroosa got her hair straight and Lexie done wavy on her ends. When I got my hair done, they done my make up and I was all ready before everyone.

" Aroosa come we'll go to the place" I said, she got up and we walked to the car.

Arriving at the wedding place

Ethan Dolan - Next door neighbour pt.2Where stories live. Discover now